Adventures in blood donation!

Feb 08, 2006 13:29

Today was the first time I'd ever donated blood. I forgot my wallet... with my id in it... and my money for lunch. Thankfully they had a copy of my id in HR and we were back on schedule! I read the required material and waited my turn.
After a slightly uncomfortable history being taken I get sent to a chair to wait for the needle in my arm. Oh boy. Did I mention that they checked for track marks in both of my arms? Well they did. Apparently it doesn't matter that the doctor's office has always had good luck with the veins in my left arm, they're going for the right. Iodine for about a minute... that was weird. And now, a horribly long needle in my arm. O-Owwww! Ok, I'll let you know if I get dizzy or lightheaded, no problem. Gonna read my book now.

That's odd, I feel a little ill. Is this light-headed? Maybe if I ignore it it'll go away. Now my vision is closing in on all sides. Help! Suddenly I've got lots of people around me and they're leaning my chair back, running for cold compresses and getting me Sprite to sip. Ugh, warm Sprite is not fun, in case you were wondering. I feel so hot! So now we're waiting for the tingling to go away and they tell me to let them know if I feel sick. I always know if I'm about to throw up but this was coming on so suddenly that I wasn't sure if I could trust it. Sure enough, I got to throw up in a bag that they had ready for me. I wonder if throwing up always makes me cry? It sure seems to and it sure did this time.

My co-worker, Teresa, had come to check on me in the middle of all this and she held my hand and talked to me while I waited for the tingling in my limbs to stop. This, the nurse tells me, is what it feels like to have a lot of blood loss from, say, a car accident. Punks wouldn't let me take a nap and it would've felt sooo good just then. They made me keep my eyes open while I was breathing slowly. Everyone was being really nice to me and calling me sweetheart. That was kinda nice. I felt sorry for those waiting to donate because here I am, this big spectacle taking up a chair and making them wait. So, now I know what it feels like to black out... just about. I know I would've if they hadn't tipped my chair back. It felt so odd and it really scared me. At first I thought that I was surely overreacting since I'm in such good health and am such a perfect candidate. They took things really seriously and I'm glad they did.

Now I'm feeling a little sick again, but not bad. If it gets worse I guess I'll have to lie down like they suggested. So, that's the story. I don't think I left anything out.

2 Stars in my eyes - 1 Moonbeam
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