So, as regular readers of this blog may have noticed, I’m a little . . . lax about posting. I can keep up with my Twitter and my Facebook and my Tumblr, but I tend to let things go a little slack here on the blog. If I want to make excuses, I could say this is partially because being a writer and having a full time job can be, well, pretty tough, and that I’ve been putting the actual writing first. Which is true, but today I’m not making excuses. Today (or tomorrow, really) I’m trying something new. And that’s a new feature called Writing Wednesdays.
Each Wednesday, I’m going to try to post some sort of tip about actually writing. Tricks that have made my writing easier, small things you can do to generate ideas, cool and helpful websites or exercises I’ve found. I’m hoping that having a set day to post these sorts of things will be helpful to readers who are also writers-and to me, in terms of posting more regularly!
Tomorrow will be the first post in this series, and it will focus on one of my favorite writing tools: the idea notebook.
Also soon to come, a post and some pics about my recent trip to Disney World in Florida. For now, a teaser pic: