Title: Family Reunion: Happiness
Characters: Ace, Luffy & their crews
Rating: G
Pairings: Luffy/food, Ace/sleep
naye I started this the day I posted
Healing on August 26th! Have been Writer's Blocked since then =_=
On a happier note - ACE & LUFFY FLUFF! To counter all the angst I've been writing =_=
For people new to the story, part I is
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And about the brother-cousin thing-- OMG! Made me laugh at Luffy's childish innocence!! ADORABLE!!
And cool!!! Are you a psychic?? XD
Muahaha - sekritly I...am a flea who lives in Oda's brain!
Muahaha - sekritly I...am a flea who lives in Oda's brain!
Gyahahahaha!! That made me \o/! XD
damned writer's block
(Shhhh, don't give away my secret! ;)
(Okay, I'll be silent about it if you give me food!)
*sends him to cook for you*
A friend of mine, vio55, cheers on me to write fics. I already wrote two but I think they're not that good. I definitely suck at it. T.T
Words just don't like me-- that's why art became my best friend because I could never everything in solid words, just messages from drawings. XD
And-- it's dangerous to send Sanji to me!!! I MIGHT EAT HIM!!! WAAAHHH!! XD
and you draw so beautifully
And-- it's dangerous to send Sanji to me!!! I MIGHT EAT HIM!!! WAAAHHH!! XD
Well~ the Shitty Restaurant needs its Shitty Cook, no? XP
kishishishishi!! thank you~~ XD
Well~ the Shitty Restaurant needs its Shitty Cook, no? XP
it sure does since i don't know how to cook! but i have a special talent in it that sanji doesn't! a talent to burn water! XD
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