Friends Locked

Aug 17, 2030 11:16

Welcome to the journal of Eileen Donovan. I write fanfiction in the Queer as Folk fandom, specifically, Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor stories since I am a dedicated B/J shipper. :) This is my main journal where the majority of my fic can be found.

Please note: Many of my fics are locked, although I've left a few unlocked to give you an idea of what my writing is like. Please leave a comment if you'd like to be friended. Your complete birth date must be in your profile since I don't friend anyone under eighteen. I'm sorry, but I do not friend blank journals. [A blank journal is one without any posts in it, nothing where I can get a sense of who you are as a person. Having information on your user profile might sway me if it was extensive, but I prefer to see an actual post or two or three, something that tells me you're real.] I also will not automatically friend you back if you friend me, because I like to be asked. Thank you! ♥

If you're looking for a particular fic, check out the Master List of Fic, or the TAGS.

friends locked

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