SNL's Criticism of the Media

Nov 06, 2016 11:29

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If you didn't see this on SNL, it's worth a look. It's long, but the pertinent part comes in the beginning and speaks to the media's propensity to ignore alarming allegations against Trump while continually pivoting to Clinton and her email woes. For me, it spoke pointedly about this frustrating fact of the campaign. It's funny and also a poke in the media's eye!

If you haven't voted yet (I have, yay, me!), make a plan now to do so. This election is way too important to not vote, so find a way to get it done! ♥

Edited to add this link: An Open Letter to the LGBT Community On the Eve of the 2016 Election This is from Edie Winsor and if you don't remember her, this is your reminder, from Wikipedia: Edith "Edie" Windsor (née Schlain; born June 20, 1929) is an American lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights activist and a former technology manager at IBM. She was the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court of the United States case, United States v. Windsor, which successfully overturned Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act and was considered a significant legal victory for the same-sex marriage movement in the United States.

hillary clinton, election

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