Calling all costume drama lovers!

Jul 10, 2007 12:31

As everyone here knows, I have a great love of both icon-making and of costume/period dramas. So, after seeing all these lovely communities committed to excellent iconage of their favourite fandoms, shows, etc., I though that costume and period drama deserved some love, too.

Thus, I’ve created costume_elite. It’s very similar to goodaustenicons, only instead of focusing on only Jane Austen, this community pertains to all costume and period drama related icons. This includes not only movies, mini-series and tv shows, but also book covers & quotes, paintings and photography.

Because it’s an "elite" community, membership is by invitation only, so icon-makers have to apply and be approved before they can have posting access. However, I need someone else to help me run the community and approve applicants (if it was just me judging all the applications, it wouldn’t be very fair, would it?) ;).

So if you’re interested in being a moderator, please head on over here and apply! (Comments will be screened.) Don't be shy!

But even if you’re not interested in moderating, I'd still like to know what everyone thinks. So please, check it out and let me know! (It's still in the works, mind you.) ;) Just reply to this post with your comment -- I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say. :)

Edited to Add: DO NOT try to join by clicking "to join the community, click here", please. The community is not yet open, and membership is through application only. I highly recommend checking out communities such as goodaustenicons, good_fanicons, good_cropping etc. if you're at all confused. I greatly apologize for any confusion I may have caused!
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