Last week before university starts

Feb 21, 2007 15:06

Just spending my last week before University year starts. I'm kinda addicted to Final Fantasy XII (I soooo want to hug those moogles, they are so cute in this game! X3), although I still dislike the battle system... I want FOUR characters and Active Time Battle back (FFVII and FFIX system)!

Aaaand.... my computer isn't cooperating with my fanbook.... it's slow again so I stopped scanning on page 8.

Which Kindom Hearts Character are you?(all three games)(pictures)

You are Yuffie you are fast and preffer not to face your apponents head on but instead hide at a distance and use your ranged skills to your advantage. you will do your best to fight along side the others but you dont always make the cut. you are still a powerful fighter and have great determination.
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Because I kinda didn't have more to write XD


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