Sep 10, 2006 21:08
i am so fucking un-motivated. In the last 4 days i have done exactly 1/2 of 1 assignment. Instead i went to the beach and to the movies (This Film Is Not Yet Rated-- very good) and watched texas get its ass kicked by Ohio State (Ha ha!). Some people might call that an unproductive weekend, i call it Having Fun Because I Just Can't Make Myself Care Anymore. So...that's pretty much it. Classes are blah and i haven't started working yet, altho i really need to since i'm pretty damn broke at the moment.
And a certain someone who i am trying not to have any feelings for is making it hard not to have any feelings for them...but i'll leave that (long ass)story for another day. For now i'll just say that i suck at not becoming emotionally attached, and anyone with any good ideas on how to do that should let me know.