Undercover [2/2]

Jun 17, 2014 00:45

Title: Undercover [2/2]
Pairing: HunTao, KaiSoo
Genre: Police/Undercover AU, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Length: Part Two | ~ 5,900 k
Disclaimer: Unfortunately the boys do not belong to me. However the plot and story does.
Summary: Tao is a bumbling idiot who is the chief's nephew. Kyungsoo is a neurotic prodigy who graduated with high marks. The two are partnered and their first assignment is to go undercover at a prestigious high school in order to protect the politician's son, Oh Sehun.

Part One

Part Two

“I want to order chicken, is anyone else hungry?” Jongin looked on his phone for a 24-hour chicken delivery place.

“Oh, me!” Sehun waved his hand.

“I’d like some too!” Tao nodded.

“I’ll pass.” Kyungsoo sat across from Tao with his arms crossed. Tao could feel the other boy’s gaze penetrate through his soul.

“I’ll still order extra, do you guys want a drink or anything?” Jongin asked.

“I want a cola!” Sehun waved.

“No, you have to help me do the dishes. They are still undone,” Jongin pointed to the kitchen.

“But its like almost 3 am,” Sehun whined.

“I don’t care, get your ass in there. Better it be done at 3 am or never.”

Sehun pouted as he got up, fighting much resistance. Tao freaked out slightly not wanting to be left alone with Kyungsoo.

“I can help!” Tao volunteered.

“Oh no, don’t worry about it,” Sehun shook his head. “Jongin and I got it.”

Tao watched as the two boys entered the kitchen, his eyes lingered to the point where he could no longer see the sight of them. He then shyly turned to the boy sitting directly across from him.

“H-How was your night?” Tao asked cautiously. That was a safe conversation starter, right?

Kyungsoo had his arms crossed as his eyebrows furrowed. He glared straight into Tao’s eyes as Tao could feel his insides quiver. Why was this guy always so intense? Tao forced a smile to ease the heavy tension in the room.

“What do you think you are doing?” Kyungsoo whispered harshly as he got up and lunged at the other boy. Tao felt Kyungsoo’s small little hands grip tightly on his shoulder.

“W-What do you mean?”

“What do you mean what do I mean? Five minutes ago you and Sehun were almost having sex how am I supposed to comprehend that?”

“But we didn’t!” Tao protested.

“That’s far from the point!” Kyungsoo cried out. “There is something between being friends to a certain degree and crossing the boundary!”

“But Kyungsoo,” Tao looked as if he was going to cry. “I love Sehun. I’m in love with Sehun.”

“Love?” Kyungsoo could not believe the words he was hearing. “What do you know about love?”

“I clearly know a lot more about than you!” Tao retorted. “I almost feel sorry for that guy you came with. He’s obviously crazy about you but you’re just an awful brick wall!”


“That’s right! I called you an awful ugly poo colored brick wall!”

“Even your insults are dumb!” Kyungsoo cried out in frustration as he proceeded to choke the other boy by locking him in his arms.

“Ow! Stop! I’m going to hurl you across the room!” Tao struggled as he attempted to toss the other boy over his shoulder, only for Jongin and Sehun to reenter the living room.

Both Kyungsoo and Tao froze as they both forced happy smiles with Tao’s head still locked in Kyungsoo’s arms.

“Is uh, everything alright?” Jongin asked.

“Yeah…” Sehun raised an eyebrow.

“Hahaha, we’re fine!” Kyungsoo smiled as he let the other boy go. “Tao was asking me to show him ways of relieving neck pain!”

“That’s right! My neck is very sore, ow,” Tao massaged the back of his neck as his face lightened up in surprise. “Wow! Kyungsoo, your methods work! I’m cured!”

“Wow, that’s amazing! You’re going to have to try that method on me one of these days,” Jongin smiled.

“Oh! Me too!” Sehun raised his hand.

“ Y-Yeah! Definitely!” Kyungsoo continued to force a smile as he resumed his seat across from Tao.

“Haha, for a second there it looked like you were strangling him!” Jongin laughed.

“Haha, that’s hilarious!” Kyungsoo laughed along forcefully.

“Yeah! And I thought I was getting strangled!” Tao chimed in as he broke out into a laugh as well.

All Kyungsoo wanted was for Tao to shut up and stop laughing.


“Wow, I thought you looked familiar.”

Kyungsoo looked up from his desk as he propped his chin on his resting arm. It was first period calculus and there was still 10 minutes before class began.

“Hello,” Kyungsoo greeted.

Sehun took a seat in front of the other boy, as the student who usually sat there hadn’t arrived yet.

“So, what’s the story with you and Jongin?” Sehun smirked as he raised an eyebrow.

“There is no story,” Kyungsoo firmly responded.

“That’s a shame,” Sehun shook his head. “I guess Jongin has to work a little harder.”

“What’s your story with Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Oh, well for one thing, there is nothing between us so you don’t have to worry!” Sehun laughed.

“I’m not worrying.”

“Can you keep a secret?” Sehun asked as he peered into the other boy’s eyes.

“Yes,” Kyungsoo nodded.

“Jongin is my half brother from another mother. We didn’t grow up together as kids, but we decided to be roommates during high school.”

“Oh I see.” Kyungsoo would have never guessed.

“So, are you a cop too?”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in surprise. “W-What?”

“Well, since Tao is a cop I thought you might be one too and you guys both transferred at the same time.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone-”

“Did you promise Tao the same thing as you are telling me?”

“Tao doesn’t know that I know.”

That idiot. Kyungsoo cursed. “Then how do you know?”

“Because I found this,” Sehun pulled Tao’s police badge from his pocket. He swung it in the air as if it was nothing.

“Give that to me right now,” Kyungsoo immediately reacted.

“Ah, so you are admitting you’re cops!” Sehun whispered in delight.

“What do you want from us?” Kyungsoo could feel his stress levels exploding.

“I don’t want anything. I just wanted to meet you,” Sehun handed the badge. “Plus, I love Tao.”

At that moment the bell rung as Sehun walked back to his seat. Kyungsoo firmly clenched his partner’s badge in his hand as he immediately stuffed it in his pocket.


“How could you lose this?”

Kyungsoo threw the badge on the desk as Tao looked at it in surprise. They were back at headquarters for a debriefing meeting with Luhan and Minseok, but Kyungsoo wanted to speak with his partner beforehand.

“Whoa how did you find this? I was looking all over for it!” Tao exclaimed as he placed his badge back into his pocket.

“Sehun brought it to me. Thanks for blowing our cover.”

“Oh…” Tao bit his lips. “So he knows?”

“Of course he knows!”

“I wonder why he didn’t just give it back to me. Why did he bring it to you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he wanted to threaten me? Or us? Or maybe he had to know for himself? Maybe he wanted to confirm that his father sent someone to watch after him or maybe-”

“It’s none of the above.”

Luhan and Minseok entered the meeting room with a stack of folders. Minseok took a seat as Luhan handed out the folders.

“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Like I just said,” Minseok smiled. “It’s none of the above.”

“Sehun only gave you the badge because he just wants to fuck with you guys. This is just a game to him and he solved a puzzle piece,” Luhan pointed to his brain.

“Wait, how do you know?” Tao asked.

“I’ve dealt with a lot of brats like him. It’s not too difficult to deduce,” Luhan began to sift through his documents. “Now let’s take a look at mine and Minseok’s findings.”

Minseok took out a photo of an older man who looked to be the same age as the politician Oh Dong Woo.

“Do you guys know who this man is?” Minseok asked.

“That’s the politician Kim Sanghyuk,” Kyungsoo replied. “Apparently he works closely with Oh Dongwoo.”

“That’s right. He also has a son named Kim Minhyuk who also attends the same school as Sehun.”

“Fucking hate that kid,” Tao mumbled as he crossed his arms tightly.

“Okay so what do these guys have to do with anything?” Kyungsoo asked.

“We have a speculation that Sanghyuk is the one behind the budget cuts and the money loss. We also believe that he is the one stealing all the money however we don’t have the proof for that yet. What we need to do is to plan a set up and to catch him in the act,” Luhan explained.

“And how would we go about that?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Well, there was one thing we found out that was rather quite interesting,” Minseok pulled another photograph from his folder. “Both Sehun and Minhyuk share the same half brother.”

Both Kyungsoo’s and Tao’s eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the image.

“His name is Kim Jongin.”

“And what can Kim Jongin attribute to all this?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Well, to be honest, Kim Jongin is the one who first approached us. He told us that he could get us files that proves that his father has been stealing from organizations.”

“But why would he do that? He would ruin his own family.”

“I don’t know what his reasons are, but we are willing to take any opportunity given to us,” Luhan began to collect all his files. “For the mean time keep an eye on both boys. I have a feeling that Sanghyuk may begin to suspect something so always make sure to be on the look out.”

Both Kyungsoo and Tao nodded in response.

“Call us if you need anything,” Minseok got up from his chair as the older guys left the room.

As soon as the door closed shut Tao immediately turned to Kyungsoo with wide eyes.

“Holy shit!” Tao shook his head. “With a shit son like Minhyuk, I wouldn’t be surprised if his father was just as bad.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, on the night of that warehouse party Sehun and I got ambushed by a group of guys that Minhyuk knew. They beat us pretty bad. But I just had this feeling on the back of my mind that these guys weren’t Minhyuk’s friends. I felt like these guys were sent by someone to attack us.”

“How did these guys look like?”

“I don’t remember. It was pitch black. Plus I was focusing on protecting Sehun and getting us out of there.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t find you guys that night.”

“It’s okay. We’re still alive!” Tao smiled. “Plus I gave some of them a good beating in return. I didn’t give up without a fight.”

Kyungsoo responded with a small smile.

“Things just got a little more complicated than I thought.”


Jongin didn’t show up to school for the next 3 days. The first day he was absent Kyungsoo just assumed his was sick. The second day he assumed that Jongin was still in recovery. The third day got him wondering. A person couldn’t be sick for that long, can they? Especially since he looked perfectly find the last time Kyungsoo saw him.

Kyungsoo had to admit it was a bit lonely to sit next to an empty lab seat and to do assignments on his own. Even though Jongin barely contributed or helped during any of the assignments, Kyungsoo realized that he did miss the other boy’s presence. He always had something random and interesting to say. The last thing Jongin talked about was why dinosaurs were better than giraffes. His argument was pretty solid and interesting up until the whole extinction thing.

“Jongin isn’t here today either!” A girl in class whined.

“I tried calling him and he won’t answer. Did he forget our karaoke date?” Another girl scrolled down her phone.

“I wish I knew where he lived! If he was sick I would nurse him back to health!”

Kyungsoo listened to the girls wail. He never knew how popular Jongin was with the girls but Jongin never showed any interests towards them. Kyungsoo always assumed it was because he probably already had a girlfriend.

“Hey, where’s Jongin?” Kyungsoo asked Sehun during his next class.

“Why? Are you worried?” Sehun gave the other boy a taunting gaze as he twirled his pencil in his right hand.

“He hasn’t come to school for three days. Plus he’s my lab partner, I want to know if he’s alright.”

“Why don’t you visit him and ask him yourself?” Sehun smirked.

Kyungsoo responded with a small sigh. Little shit.

“I guess I’ll do that.”

Kyungsoo found himself in front of the prestigious apartment complex once more. He stood as he stared at the overwhelming building wondering why he even went there in the first place. However he just had to keep reminding himself that he had to make sure Jongin was all right. After all he was linked to Sehun and his father’s scandal so he needed to be kept an eye on as well.

He looked through the list of names. Oh Sehun. Must be this one. He lifted his finger only to hesitate for a brief second. Was this really necessary? Was this really worth his time? Did he have to see Jongin?

He shook his head. He was going to do it. He was going to ring the doorbell. He was going to see Jongin. He was only going to-


Kyungsoo turned in surprise as he saw Jongin 5 feet away from him carrying grocery bags.

“Hi Jongin,” Kyungsoo stammered out a greeting.

“Did you just get here? I hope you weren’t waiting too long,” Jongin fumbled with the keys.

“I just got here.”

“Ok, good, whew,” Jongin finally opened the gate. “Would you like to come in?”


Kyungsoo followed the other boy down the familiar hallway, up the elevator and in front of 1106.

“Hehe, Sehun told me you might be coming,” Jongin smiled. “But I thought he might be lying.”

“Little shit,” Kyungsoo mumbled under his breath.


“N-Nothing,” Kyungsoo shook his head.

“I’m just kidding, I heard you. Haha, and you’re right. He is a little shit,” Jongin laughed as he emptied the contents in the grocery bags. “But I think that’s what makes him a little loveable.”

Kyungsoo caught himself staring at the taller boy. He never really took the time to take in the other boy’s smile and features. Kyungsoo immediately shook his head as he leaned against the counter.

“Do you need help?” Kyungsoo asked as he looked at the random ingredients in front of him. Chocolate, pasta, chicken, mushroom, and whipped cream.

“Actually…” Jongin smiled as he scratched his head. “I don’t know how to cook. I just bought all this stuff hoping you’d know how to cook.”

Kyungsoo stared in disbelief. “Really?”

“You’re probably expecting me to say ‘no just kidding!’ but I uh wish I was…just…uh…kidding…heh…” Jongin smiled.

To Jongin’s surprise, Kyungsoo let out a small laugh.

“You’re an idiot,” Kyungsoo continued to laugh as he grabbed the ingredients. “Where are your pots and pans?”

“Let me get them for you!” Jongin was just happy to have made Kyungsoo laugh. It was the first time he heard such a delightful sound come from the other boy’s mouth.

“So, why aren’t you at school?” Kyungsoo placed a pot of water on the stove. He then proceeded to cut up the raw chicken.

“Ah, there is a reason…” Jongin sat himself by the counter as he watched the other boy cook.

“Which is?”

“It’s a complicated story.”

“This pasta will take a while to cook.”

Jongin took a moment to think of how he would form his words.

“Well, my brother is looking for me and I can’t have him find me. And he kind of hates my other brother right now.”

“This sounds like a dysfunctional family,” Kyungsoo placed the uncooked pasta in the boiling water. “Are you like the middle child?”

“I guess something like that.”

“So what happened? Why you in hiding?”

“Look who’s got all the questions now?” Jongin laughed. “But its okay, I like the attention, haha.”

“You get a lot of attention from the girls at school,” Kyungsoo began to sauté the chicken and mushrooms.

“Yeah, but that’s different.”

“How so?”

Jongin mumbled into his sleeve.

“What?” Kyungsoo couldn’t hear.

“I rather get attention from you.”

Kyungsoo felt his cheeks turn pink. Deep inside he couldn’t help but feel somewhat happy.

“You still haven’t told me why you’re in hiding,” Kyungsoo immediately changed the subject.

“Because I did something bad.”

At that moment the pot boiling with noodles overflowed. Kyungsoo ran to the stove as he lifted the lid and lowered the fire.

“Ah!” Kyungsoo winced as the boiling water splashed and burned his arm.

“You have to put that under cold water!” Jongin immediately pulled Kyungsoo to the sink as he ran cold water over his arm.

Kyungsoo felt his face slightly flush as Jongin focused so much attention on his burn.

“I’m ok, its just a light burn,” Kyungsoo attempted to pull his arm away.

“No, its not, I saw it hit you pretty good,” Jongin shook his head. “Please be careful next time.”

“I’ll be fine-”

At that moment Jongin leaned over and stole a kiss off of Kyungsoo’s lips. Kyungsoo looked up in surprise.

“Sorry, I’ve just always wanted to do that,” Jongin apologized.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” Kyungsoo replied.

Jongin leaned down for another kiss.


“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew I was a cop?” Tao hugged Sehun tighter as the two boys decided to ditch fourth period for a cuddle session on the roof.

“I don’t know,” Sehun shrugged as he looked up towards the sky. “I guess it didn’t matter to me that you were a cop or not, but I did want to fuck with your partner. Just a little bit, haha.”

“Oh god, he went nuts on me when he found out you knew!” Tao cried out.

“Sorry!” Sehun stuck out his tongue. He then repositioned himself as he climbed on top of the other boy. “But being with a cop, its kind of sexy, huh?”

He then leaned down as he kissed the other boy hard into the ground. Tao opened his mouth slightly as he kissed the other boy back.

“I wish we could stay like this forever,” Tao breathed as he hugged the other boy.

“Why can’t we?”

“I don’t know.”

“Tao, don’t say wish anymore,” Sehun smiled as he licked the other boy’s nose. “I don’t care what you are or where you came from. All I know is that I’m crazy about you and I’m never going to let you go.”

Tao felt his face turn red. He proceeded to cover his face. “You’re making me blush!”

“Don’t hide it, I want to see it!” Sehun laughed as he wrestled with the other boy.

“Stop!” Tao wrestled back as he pinned the other boy down.

“Damn, you act like a girl but you have one hell of a strength!” Sehun exclaimed as he found himself lying on his back.

“I’m not a girl!” Tao smiled as he kissed Sehun on the lips. “But I might have the soul of one. MIGHT.”

Sehun laughed. He then got up and patted the dust off of his pants. “We should go back to class.”

“Okay!” Tao jumped up as he dusted himself off as well. He then followed the other boy down the stairs. “Sehun?”


“I’m crazy about you too.”

“I know.”

Sehun squeezed Tao’s hand as the two began to part ways to their next class. However Tao noticed that Sehun was not particularly going towards the direction of his 5th period class. He seemed to be heading elsewhere towards the back gate entrance of the school. Tao frowned as he cautiously followed the other boy.

The next second two men appeared in suits. Tao reacted slightly as he clenched his fists. They grabbed Sehun as they ushered him into a car. Tao frowned at the sight as he wanted to call out to the other boy but it looked as if Sehun went with the two men willingly.

Tao did not understand at all.


“Oh Sehun was quote on quote kidnapped,” Luhan announced. “And what I mean by the quotes is that he had voluntarily agreed to go with Kim Sanghyuk’s men.”

“But why would he do that?” Kyungsoo frowned. He took a quick look at Tao who was extremely silent.

“Because Sanghyuk suspects Sehun of having proof that they stole money from numerous organizations. Right now they are probably demanding Sehun to give them back the video files,” Minseok explained.

“But he doesn’t have them because Jongin was the one who stole them,” Kyungsoo felt insignificant for not realizing these things sooner.

“I should have stopped him,” Tao mumbled.

“What?” Kyungsoo looked at his partner.

“I saw him. I saw him leave with those men,” Tao clenched his fists. “I should have run over there. I should have stopped him.”

“Tao, this was something out of your power. He voluntarily agreed to go, its nothing for you to beat yourself up over,” Minseok smiled as he pat the boy’s back.

“Yeah. But-”

“No buts,” Luhan shook his head. “Now here is what I need the two of you to do. You guys must infiltrate his home where Sehun has been taken captive. The reason why Sehun voluntarily got himself captured was so that he will be able to record proof that it has been Sanghyuk who has been doing these acts.”

“How do you guys know all this?” Kyungsoo asked.

“We’ve been working closely with Kim Jongin, who will be accompanying you guys to infiltrate his home. Let me introduce you guys.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in surprise. The door opened as the familiar white hair and handsome face appeared.

“Hello! My name is Kim Jongin,” Jongin introduced himself only to be faced with familiar faces. “Oh! Kyungsoo and Tao!”

“Hey,” Kyungsoo greeted.

“Yo.” Tao nodded.

“What! I would have never guessed!” Jongin exclaimed in surprise.

“Seems like you guys have been acquainted,” Luhan smiled.

“Yeah, we’re classmates!” Jongin smiled.

“Small world,” Minseok laughed.

“Anyways, the three of you guys will go and rescue Sehun. We will have back up on stand by so we can at least arrest them for the kidnapping. To my knowledge they don’t know about our surprise visit, but at the same time if I were them I would have the place heavily guarded. Be careful and stick close to Jongin,” Luhan instructed. “Do you guys have any questions for me?”

“Will Sehun be ok? They aren’t beating him up, right?” Tao furrowed his eyebrows.

“I can’t answer that,” Luhan bit his lips. “Let’s just pray he is unharmed.”

Tao let out a small whimper as Kyungsoo placed his hand on Tao’s shoulder.

“Hey, it’s going to be ok,” Kyungsoo nodded. “Sehun is a little shit, but he’s a brat that won’t take shit from no one.”

“Yup, he’s right,” Jongin laughed. “If I knew he couldn’t handle this, I wouldn’t have let him surrender himself in the first place.

Tao gave a small smile.

“You guys are right.”


Kyungsoo has never seen a home so huge in his life. He found himself in front of a gated mansion with two marble dragons guarding the front. Beyond the gates was a vast garden filled with many types of plants and flowers. In front was the mansion itself, Kyungsoo could only guess how many rooms that home could fill.

“This is the biggest house I have ever seen in my life!” Tao exclaimed. “And you live here?”

“Heh, its nice to look at, but not very fun to live in,” Jongin smiled uneasily. He then proceeded towards the gate and pushed a button on a black intercom.

“Jongin, welcome back home sir!”

“Thanks, I brought two of my friends from school.”

“Alright sir, we’ll prepare some snacks for your guests.”

“It’s okay, that won’t be necessary. But thanks!”

The gate opened as the three boys made their way towards the mansion. They were greeted by a maid and a butler.

“Hey guys, I don’t need anyone to tend to me today. But then again I tell you guys that everyday,” Jongin smiled as he waved at the servants.

“As you say sir.”

“Whoa, you even have servants,” Tao grabbed Jongin’s sleeve.

“Yeah, but ever since I was born I never got used to them, heh.”

Kyungsoo stared at the taller boy. He always thought Jongin was a popular rich kid, but it kind of touched him to see how humble and modest the taller boy actually was.

“This is my room,” Jongin opened the door to a huge white room.

There was a king sized bed planted in the middle, a desk, a computer, a huge television, and a dresser. Despite the enormous size of the room, it did feel a little empty and had a lack of character.

“It’s beautiful!” Tao exclaimed as he began to take selcas of himself in the room.

“I never really spend time here, I only come here to sleep, haha,” Jongin laughed as he turned to the smaller boy. “Kyungsoo, you’re rather quiet today.”

Kyungsoo looked at the other boy. “Sorry, I don’t have much to say.”

“I’m just teasing you,” Jongin smiled. “Anyways, Sehun is in the back house. My father is probably making his demands as we speak. It is heavily guarded, so we’ll have to go discreetly. If anyone finds you, just act dumb and say you’re my friend and you got lost.”

Kyungsoo and Tao nodded.

“Okay, let’s go!”

The three boys made their way to the backyard. They followed Jongin down a hidden route through the back gardens.

“We aren’t that dumb you know?”

Jongin turned around to see Minhyuk with a group of men.

“Hey Minhyuk, I’m just giving my friends a tour,” Jongin greeted.

“Didn’t think you had poor choice in friends,” Minhyuk glared at Tao.

“I still need to repay you for what you did to me,” Tao glared back.

“Come at me, I dare you,” Minhyuk gestured.

“Stop, we’re not here for that,” Jongin stepped in. “Let’s go you guys.”

“I know why you’re here Jongin, I’m not dumb. In fact I have been waiting for you,” Minhyuk crossed his arms. “After all, you’re a traitor that needs to be punished.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking-”

“Father knows what you did and he’s not happy. This isn’t a safe place for you.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“I’m not letting you see Sehun.”

Minhyuk threw a punch at Jongin as Jongin flew back. Tao stepped forward as he helped the other boy up.

“Let me handle Minhyuk,” Tao smiled. “I want to repay him.”

It was 3 against 7. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo fought off the other men. Luckily they were not armed so the boys had to rely on their brute strength. Surprisingly enough Jongin was an excellent fighter as he took down the men quite easily.

Tao punched Minhyuk repeatedly as he threw the boy to the side once he had his fill. He then took another guy down as he flipped him over his back. He then gestured to the other two boys.

“We should go find Sehun now.”

Jongin nodded as he began to run towards the back house. Tao followed closely with Kyungsoo behind. However Tao felt something wrong. Something in his instincts told him to turn around. That they were not completely safe from danger. The boy turned only to see the sight of a knife slashing down.

“KYUNGSOO, WATCH OUT!” Tao pushed the other boy as he felt a sharp stab.

Kyungsoo rolled to the side as he looked up to see Minhyuk standing over Tao with a knife. Blood began to soak through Tao’s uniform as Kyungsoo could clearly see where he was hit. Jongin immediately reacted as he punched Minhyuk down, kicking the knife out of his hands.

“Hehe…I’m glad I at least got you…asshole…” Minhyuk coughed as he passed out.

Kyungsoo ran to Tao’s side as he removed his jacket to push the bleeding and make it stop.

“Tao, you idiot!” Kyungsoo tried his best to stop the bleeding. “We have to get him an ambulance.”

“I’m alright. We need to go and help Sehun,” Tao shook his head.

Jongin looked at the cut. “It looks like he missed his vitals. He will be ok, but I don’t think you should move around too much.”

“I’m calling Luhan to get you right now,” Kyungsoo took out his phone as he began to dial.

“Kyungsoo, please save Sehun,” Tao pleaded. “Just make sure he is alright.”

“I will,” Kyungsoo nodded. “I promise.”

Kyungsoo and Jongin ran towards the back of the back house as they both peered into the window. Sehun was tied to a chair and looked badly beaten. However his face appeared to be strong and expressionless.

“We have to go in and stop them!” Kyungsoo stood up as Jongin stopped him.

“Wait,” Jongin frowned slightly. “Sehun told me that once Sanghyuk confesses his wrong doings he would cross his legs, but his legs are still uncrossed. Sanghyuk has not confessed yet.”

“This is bad,” Kyungsoo panicked. “Someone is going to find the other guys knocked out and I don’t even know how Luhan is going to retrieve Tao.”

“Wait,” Jongin stared. “It looks like he just crossed his legs now.”

Jongin stood up as he ran towards the door. He then pushed a button on a device in his pocket allowing back up to know that it was okay to come infiltrate the mansion.

In a matter of moments the police force surrounded the back house. Kyungsoo can see Luhan and Minseok as they kicked the back door down. Luhan announced Sanghyuk’s arrest as Minseok helped untie Sehun. At that moment they would be arrested for kidnapping and brutality.

Kyungsoo ran out as he searched frantically for his partner. He noticed an ambulance stationed in the front. He got a glimpse of that familiar silver hair lying on top of a rolling bed.

“TAO!” Kyungsoo cried out as he ran towards the bed. “TAO! Are you alright?”

“Kyungsoo,” Tao smiled weakly at the other boy. “Are you alright?”

“Of course I’m fine you dumbass!” Kyungsoo did his best to hold back tears. “Why did you go and do that? You should have just let him stab me.”

“He would have got you in your vitals.”

“You dumbass, stupid dumbass!” Kyungsoo cried out as he took a moment to regain his composure. “Thank you for saving me.”

“Thank you for being my partner.”

Kyungsoo held back tears as he watched the paramedics roll his partner away.


It has been a week since Tao was in the hospital. Thankfully the cut was not too deep and the doctor said he was healing fast. Sehun’s injuries were not too bad as well. He managed to scrape by with just heavy bruises and fortunately nothing was broken. He healed a lot faster than Tao, but he continued to stay at the hospital to keep the other boy company.

“Hurry up and get better!” Sehun looked out the window. He admired the bright blue sky and the sun shining radiantly. It was a beautiful day.

“To be honest I feel like they should just let me go, I’m already healed!” Tao raised his arm as he pointed at his injuries.

“Yeah but doesn’t it still hurt when you move?”


“I don’t want you to stretch wrong and reopen your cut and have blood gushing out.”

“Ew, that’s a sight I don’t want to see or feel,” Tao shook his head.

Sehun continued to stare out the window. His eyes brimmed with excitement.

“Hey we should go on a trip when you’re better!” Sehun bounced happily as he sat on the edge of Tao’s bed.

“Where should we go?”

“I don’t know. Some place generic? Like the beach? Haha.”

“I like the beach. We should go to the beach,” Tao nodded as he slipped his arm around Sehun’s waist. “And we should eat so much till our stomachs explode.”

“Yeah!” Sehun agreed as his fingers slowly interlocked with Tao’s. “Then we can go swim with dolphins and eat ice cream!”

“I can’t wait to go!” Tao cried out excitedly as he squeezed Sehun’s hand.

“Hey Tao…”


“I’ve been thinking…”


“I think I want to be a cop just like you!”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah! I thought a lot about it and I think it’s awesome what you guys do. It’s pretty badass, saving people and shit!” Sehun exclaimed. “Plus, I just want to be close to you…”

Tao grinned. His smile was so huge it filled his whole face.

“That is the best news I heard all day!” Tao cried out as he pulled Sehun down for a kiss.

“Just don’t be a little shit.”

Sehun and Tao turned to the door. Kyungsoo greeted the two as he held a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

“Kyungsoo!” Tao waved. “I hope you brought me more than just flowers!”

“Don’t worry, I brought you a cake,” Kyungsoo waved a box in Tao’s face.

“Yay! I’m so excited!” Tao clapped.

“How are you feeling? Everyone at the office sends their regards.”

“I’m a lot better!” Tao smiled. “Luhan and Minseok visited me the other day! Minseok called me a crazy bastard.”

“Oh yeah, he did mention to me that you saved his life. What did you do?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Oh haha, same thing as you. Some guy tried to stab him in the back and I took the stab.”

“You are a crazy bastard.”

“I just don’t want my partners to get hurt!”

“Well, I don’t want you to get hurt!” Sehun cried out as he grabbed Tao’s arm.

“Thanks again, Tao,” Kyungsoo smiled. “To be honest I really hated you at first, but I think now you’re alright in my book.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” Tao responded with a smile.

“Well get better soon…partner.”

“I will…partner.”


Kyungsoo returned to headquarters as he noticed a familiar presence waiting at the entrance. He could spot that head of white from a mile away. He felt his chest flutter slightly as he made his way to greet the familiar handsome face.

“Hey,” Jongin greeted.

“Hey,” Kyungsoo bit his lips as he did his best to contain a smile.

“It’s been lonely without my genius lab partner.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Just my selfish way of saying how much I miss you,” Jongin smiled. “But I know you won’t be coming back…”

“It’s okay.” Kyungsoo smiled back. “I missed you too.”



“That makes me happy,” Jongin jumped in happiness. “I feel like I could fly!”

Kyungsoo felt his cheeks turn red.

“That’s it. Right there,” Jongin smiled as he pointed at the other boy’s face. “Don’t try to hide it.”

“Okay. I won’t.” Kyungsoo smiled. He then leaned forward as he kissed the taller boy on the lips.

“You can’t do this to me here!” Jongin cried out, as they pulled apart.

“What? Why?”

“Now I just want to eat you up!”

Kyungsoo could feel his face flush once more as he prayed that no one around him heard that.

“What are you doing Saturday?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Hmm, nothing, I’m pretty free.”

“W-Would you like to go on a date with me?” Kyungsoo asked nervously.

Jongin’s face brightened.

“I would love to go on a date with you.”

Kyungsoo smiled as Jongin leaned down for another kiss.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this fic. Been on a HunTao high, so please expect more from me. Thank you for reading.

exo, huntao, fanfic, kaisoo

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