Yeah, I see who's giving it up. I stopped. S-T-O-P-P-E-D. So you can't blame me, Fujikoko.
I was going to just pick a few and post them. But whatever. I'm posting it all.
Eiji: Shut it, you
Mizuki: Nfu~ <3 How's my lovely wife doing with my lovely family-in-law~?
Mizuki: Nfufu~ oh but dear I know that! Once we're 18 though... <3
Eiji: not when we're 18 or ever. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with you..ugh, kissing you. Going to be sick.
Mizuki: Oh won't it be wonderful? I'll work, you'll cook and clean...and take care of our children~ nfu
Eiji: W-what children?! I'm a GUY-nyo. And we AREN'T going to get married!
Mizuki: We can adopt~ I'm thinking 2? Perhaps 3? That's a nice, strong family~ nfu
Eiji: Can you not read-nyo?! There will be no family- No wedding- No nothing!
Mizuki: Oh? Are we eloping?
Eiji: No marriage, you moron! I HATE YOU!
Mizuki: Oh-you're just on your period~ you'll come around eventually dear, nfu~
Eiji: MY WHAT?! I'm a BOY you twit! And last time I checked we hated each other-nyo~
Mizuki: When was the last time you checked btw?
Eiji: Pretty recently...didn't think it would change so quickly.
Mizuki: Oh? Well I'm nicer than you think then
Eiji: I find that... I would say hard to believe, but I don't think you're nice at all.
Mizuki: Realy now? How does a 100% cruel person get a boyfriend then? Twice in a month even.
Eiji: What do you mean 2 times in one month?
Mizuki: I mean first I won over Oshitari-kun and then Yuuta-kun. Mean people don't attract that much love that quickly. Good luck explaining that.
Eiji: You must have brain washed them. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm staying out of your relationships.
Mizuki: Eh? But you're already in one dear~
Eiji: No, I'm not.
Mizuki: Yes you are~ I never officially broke up with you
Eiji: Oh really? I thought the 'fuck you' said enough.
Mizuki: Hm? Yes, it says you want to screw me~but it's ok, you're not the only one, nfu!
Eiji: *face faults* no, moron. I meant when you said that to me. You know, when you told me the whole going out thing was a joke.
Mizuki: Oh? Maybe I want to do you then?
Eiji: O__O now I'm sure I'll be sick.
Mizuki: Why? You think you'd rather be on top~?
Eiji: *blushing* I'd rather not be in that situation with you-nyo!
Mizuki: Are you sure? I'm always willing to try~ nfu
Eiji: x_x positive. First, the idea scared the hell out of me. Second, I hate you, and third, I don't want to upset Fujikoko.
Mizuki: Oh Yuuta-kun's had plenty of THAT to himself already~ nfu
Eiji: w-what?
Mizuki: What are you stupid or something? We've already done it plenty~
Eiji: I-I'm not stupid-nyo~. I just...didn't think... But what you and Fujikoko do is your own business and not mine.
Mizuki: Damn right. But I bet you'll tell Fuji-kun anyway? Go ahead. Maybe he'll die of shock~
Eiji: well he IS his brother. But then again that would be meddling..And thank you for dropping the facade. You were starting to make me sick.
Mizuki: Nfu~ What? You don't want to join? Then again-if you're going to tell Fuji-kun, make sure you mention we waited until we were married~
Eiji: You and Fujikoko aren't married. And NO. I think I'd rather die than sleep with you. In fact if I ever did I'd slit my wrists
Mizuki: Yes we are. Ask him. We exchanged rings and everything~ and I'm pretty good actually~ You'll change your mind afterwards, nfu
Eiji: When the hell did this happen? And there will be no afterwards, because there's no way I'd have sex with you.
Mizuki: Hm... Oct 7? Around the time I announced Inui-kun / Kawamura-san's parents' engagement? And that's just what you think for now~
Eiji: That's what I'll think forver.
Mizuki: Oh? What a shame~
Eiji: Thank God, you gave up
So yeah. NOT MY FAULT. Thank you very much.
Do you want to come over and spend the night this week?
...this has actually got my really freaked out. Really. I think I'm going to go get some new locks for my doors. Maybe three. And beg Fujiko to come back...but Oishi might stay until Fujiko can come back. But I don't think I can stay in the dorm alone anymore....