People do read my blog. At least one person sent me an SMS to update it.
Today is the first day of my three week leave from work. However, tomorrow I have to go to the office to approve my team mates payroll editions to make sure that they all get paid correctly. Ho-hum. Thank goodness to a higher EQ, I'm not complaining. =) At least I'm wanted, but not like a criminal-did-something-criminal-wanted....just wanted/needed.
I can't post anything long tonight since I spent 90% of my time trying to watch America's Next Top Model Cycle 11's first episode.
What I will post is something that proves that everyone is innately wise but sometimes loses touch with this wisdom because of a million and one reasons. And when one rediscovers this's magical.
I was with Trish and Dave last night sharing Red Horse beer and fried tofu when we went to a really animated discussion about my ex-bf being a jerk and me realizing I need to just do things again.
Trish brought out her phone and had me read a text message which I immediately found awe-inspiring (I literally went "Ay ang galing! Ang cute!") because it was just what I needed and it totally reaffirmed my innermost thoughts in a funny, biting, and concise manner. And I was all gushing how cute and great the message was until....
Trish told me that it was I who wrote that message for her on her journal back in 2002 and she kept it as a message in her phone.
1. You have no need to be (too) nice to people. There's only one Oprah, the rest are schmucks.
2. If ever you decide to be gay, go for it.
3. In addition, embrace change; those who fear it are destined to die a painful, crushing death.
4. Don't expect people to understand you all the time. Remove the words "all", "always", "everyone", and "everybody" from your vocabulary. These shitty words are pitfalls straight to disappointment.
5. Be humble to apologize for your mistakes but never fall for the losers' demand to apologize for making them (mistakes).
Get the difference? Love your self first. How can you rule the world if you don't have your self on your side! See you on of the world!
I know some of the items sound extreme...I was only 22 and had more cynicism than melanin in me. And I can still see traces of Jessica Zafra here and there.
Have you tried uncovering relics of your old self lately? What have you discovered about your self?