Manila's Page Six!

Mar 12, 2008 04:14

Love it!

This confirms this inner loathing I had towards those shiny-faced, squeaky-voiced, and overdressed creatures. As in. I’d roll my eyes whenever I’d see their faces in the newspaper. They just set off alarms in my head. I just knew there was something wrong with those effing party things.

I am so helping Brian out by letting my small coterie of Friendster and Multiply folks in on his delicious blog.

In fairness, thanks to this blog and it’s oh so wonderful revelations…it actually reaffirmed my belief that I turned out quite great, and that I wasn’t just being arrogant about it.

We are good people, Iza. Really good people. Just like what Panda would say, we pay our taxes, we our productive, and we don’t just consume mass.

Oprah would probably beat them, the Gucci Gang, to submission with her O Magazine if she ever met them. What a luscious and photo-op worthy event if it will ever see realization, don’t you think?

I so love the blog because it helped me re-discover my own voice and my own underused vocab.

Thanks again for the blog. It really made me want to be a better person…a better Filipino. No bull. Only truth, love, and sinigang!

epalers, blogs, society, pasosyal

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