My journal is friends only. Comment if you want to be added.
Most of my fannish posts are public (fic, art and a few translations).
+ me
I'm Joanna. I'm 23, I live in Poland and I'm studying architecture, so random posts about it pop up from time to time. I'm also obsessed really interested in figure skating and it shows. I have a tendency to squee about it a lot, but for the sake of part of my flist who's not into that I'm trying, and sometimes failing, to use a filter for those posts.
+ my fandoms
The Social Network! Also Generation Kill, Inception and Suits, those would be my main fandom for the moment. I have a feeling Avengers will soon eat my life, too.
+ other random things
Hm, I play guitar and I also used to sing in a choir. I have really fond memories from that period and sometimes when somebody mentions singing I can go all "yes singing yes yes yes! :D :D :D" at them. I used to dance when I was younger and I still love it, though I can't really do it anymore.
Sometimes I like to use capslock. If I capslock at you, it means I love you. CAPSLOCK EXPRESSES MY LOVE AND EXCITEMENT. See?