I've never been so lost, I've never felt so much at home..

Feb 11, 2005 14:30

Wedding plans are coming along quite nicely. We made selections at Wal-Mart last night..I thought about hitting Target today while Aaron was southside, but I don't know if we will. I'm pretty tired. Plus I've got some shower stuff to work on with Jaclyn, and Natalie and I may pop in "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" while I'm working on it.

I went to the baby doctor yesterday because I don't want "bebes" for a while. The woman weighing me made it sound like a long, drawn-out process that ends up like the "vandersexxx" scene in Eurotrip. Bah, it took 15 minutes, and it was virtually painless. I've got birth control now, but I can't start it till the beginning of March. It should start working before the honeymoon though. =) Prior to my visit, I was really stressed about going.. between that and working on V-day plans for Aaron and I (which were magnificent), I've stayed pretty fatigued.

I don't know if the evidence of all that's been going on showed up on my math test or if I'm just plain stupid. I've never failed a math test in my life, but I'm about 99% sure that I just did. I really thought I knew what was going on, too, so when I went in today and was stumped on the third problem for a third of the class period, I was mortified.

I need good grades, and mostly, I want them. I need them for scholarships, but I also need them to feel proud of myself. I know that's stupid, but it's the way I tick, so... yeah.

My brother and his wife are coming down tomorrow. Hopefully that will all go well. We're also supposed to go to Haskell tomorrow to make selections... i don't think we're staying, though. If I stay home, I'll spend hours focused on the wedding. I also have school to work on, and I need a break from both of them. So I think we're coming back here to have some alone time.

I dunno. Well, life is pretty boring. Eat. sleep. wedding. talk to mothers about the wedding. homework. sleep. talk to mothers again. more wedding. and the vicious cycle continues. but it will all be over soon. 1 month and twelve days. I have yet to hear back from my boss. It's been over 2 weeks. Well, I've got dishes, laundry, wedding planning and homework to do. So, that's all.

You scored as Sadistic Humour. Congratulations, you scored Sadistic Humour. You find the little things in life to be funny, and have a great sense of humour, whether it's stupid or dark. You're probably young, and older people don't understand why it's all so fucking hillarious. Either way, check out: Clerks, Mallrats, Napoleon Dynamite, Wayne's World.

Sadistic Humour
Romantic Comedy
Mindless Action Flick
Movie Recommendation.
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