A year after 2012年5月11日 (JENESYS Programme) - Sukiyanen, Osaka

May 11, 2013 19:12

This day last year had changed me in terms of fandom.
I was blinded by this group's fame and my past with another group-slash-one of its members.
Being in Osaka, I felt like changing fandoms is not so bad, instead it would help you to know yourself more.
Among a hundred of us who went to Japan, I was placed into a group assigned to stay at Osaka.
When I learned this, I was like "Why not Tokyo / any prefectures near Tokyo?"
Turned out that it has its significance.

That because of that place, I would meet Kanjani8.

Savoring my last moments in this room.

Morning news.

List of TV channels

Our group bus.

Because I am forever alone XD Luckily, a new friend went to sit on the same line as me. Though we're on both sides so I was still a Nishialone. ;;___;;

Leaving Ichinoseki city early in the morning.

7:33 JST in the morning.


The moment I took this shot, I just learned that NHK stands for Nippon Housou Kyokai. ^.^

Leaving the silent yet beautiful prefecture of Iwate. Farewell!

I fell asleep *.* I woke up to the sight of this.

Inside Sendai Airport.

And who is that guy over there? XD

Taking a picture, because I can!

Flight schedules.

One for All, All for Japan. ;;___;;
Does it remind you of Ryo in Eight Rangers movie?

ANA plane. The plane that will take us to the land of the seven dorks.

Boarding time. It was really cold!! さむい!!

Because my roommate and I had barely time to eat our breakfast, we were given this.

The view of the airport. I was just amazed by how it recovered from the 3.11 earthquake.

This was the aerial view of the airport during the tsunami. ;;___;;

Leaving Sendai. Bye, Tohoku region!

Can you see the red circle on the left wing of the plane? It represents the flag of Japan, right?
Oh, and can you also see that land? We're almost nearing Osaka!

The city of Osaka from afar.

When my companions and I saw this view, we were like, "Oh, Osaka is a majestic place!"
Of course it looks crowded, but I think it's normal for a city to be crowded. I love the sight of miniature-like buildings, though.

Osaka castle! Can you see it? *o*

This reminds me of Kanjani8's 'PUZZLE'. /cries

Isn't that Shin-Osaka station? /*sings 9号車2番A席*

FINALLY, we've landed at Osaka International Airport. We can finally say 好きやねん、大阪!!

Inside the airport. That's me in the middle.

Outside the airport. My initial thoughts on Osaka the time we went out of the airport: it has the nicest temperature among the places we've been to in Japan. Tokyo's temperature is nice but a bit cold. The northern part of Japan (Tohoku region) has a really cold temperature. Even though I was already wearing three(3) jackets, I still feel cold. In Osaka, although there's this cold feeling, you can also feel the heat. That day was the first time I'VE SEEN THE SUN in Japan, ほんまに。

Bicycles outside the airport. Feel free to steal one! XD

Read it, pips!

Aboard the bus. Nobuta, ehh? Nobuta wo Produce? X'D

Exploring the city of west.

Osaka sky. /cries

Yodogawa river. The one from PUZZLE PV, right? The scene where Yoko was sitting by a riverbank.

I can only get this cap from the internet because my things are messy, I dunno where I put my copy of PUZZLE.


The city hall of Osaka.

Nice view.

The design XD

I took this shot because some people say that Morimoto (Ryutaro) and Nino (Ninomiya Kazunari) look alike.
Their surnames were combined here. XD

What do we call this kind of truck? The one that transports cement?

Our bus partially stopped because of pedestrians crossing the street. Can you see that? Osaka Castle from afar.

A Lawson store in Osaka.

Osaka has plenty of these traditional shrines. We've spotted about a hundred of them.

International House Osaka.

Sheraton Miyako Hotel. Where we ate our first Osaka meal.

Osakan food are great. I swear. Ask even my companions.

After lunch. That alien-looking creature is still cute.

We've reached Osaka Abeno Life Safety Learning Center.


In this place, we were taught what to do before, during and after an earthquake. We were even taught how to use the fire extinguisher. Each of us had a return demonstration with a virtual fire.

Virtual scenario after an earthquake. We walked through this damaged mini town.

A picture of Osaka during a massive earthquake in the past. (Kobe earthquake)

Hello there, cutie.

In this area, we rode on a hi-tech movable platform that let us experience the extent of several great earthquakes that struck Japan. It was classified according to intensity, and we were told that a massive earthquake is coming in the future, enough to strike Japan into ruins. We just hope that won't happen. :)

Leaving the safety learning center.

Jitensha shonenki. XP



Hi, boy.

These boys kept on waving at us.

Our bus.

Normal days in Osaka.

YASUDA. Yasu's house. XD jk.

This is familiar. I just forgot.

See? You can see the sun in Osaka, unlike other prefectures of Japan.

Sawada? You mean, Gokusen 1? XD

Hi, Mc Donalds!


I fell in love with this city, I swear.

Oh. The weather suddenly changed?


Likely to rain, ehh?

Feel free to snatch a bike. XP

Mc Donalds.

Hey, sleepy. It isn't the time to sleep.

Some magazines on a bookstore.

Aeon mall.

Late afternoon Osaka sky.


Finally, dinner!!

This restaurant has a lot of good food. Visit it when you go to Osaka. ^.^

"niko." Isn't that my name?

Miyazaki Aoi

Daiwa Roynet Hotel. The place where we would be staying.


Inside the elevator. It was a tiresome day!

Our hotel room in Osaka. I just noticed that I was always the one occupying the bed on the left XD
And mine is always tidy. Hahaha

Spent some yen over some magazines.
A companion saw the cover of Sexy Zone's Potato magazine and was like O___O.
He told the others, "Hey! Nicole bought some nude magazines" and I was like, "NOOOOOOO!!"

Watching Mou Ichido Kimi ni Propose. Tamaki-senpai!! haha
Have I told you that I like Yamamoto Yusuke? ^3^

Thank you for keeping up with my posts!
I love you ^3^ Hope you enjoyed Osaka. XD

japan, +japan spring 2012

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