
Aug 30, 2010 17:22

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Alba Aulbath
OOC Journal: alba_aulbath
Under 18? Nay nay, good sir.
Email/IM: alba_aulbath AT hotmail DOT com / NightblitzWakka
Characters Played at Singularity: None.

Character Information ;
Name: Thane Krios
Name of Canon: Mass Effect 2
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon.
Reference: roight heah
Canon Point: Just before heading to the Omega 4 Relay.
Setting: The setting of Mass Effect is a scifi; naturally, this means awesome adventures in space, containing interesting aliens, cults, backstabbers, thieves, broken dreams, drama, romance, gunfights, alien ROBOTS that will BRAINWASH YOU, and other array of spectacular things. Primarily, the setting centers around Commander Shepard, the galaxy's first human Spectre -- more or less an agent to the galactic Council. It follows Shepard's story to fight the robotic, distant threat known simply as the Reapers. Even death wasn't enough to stop Shepard; it only served to piss off the commander even more, build up an elite team, and kick some more ass in space!

Personality: At a glance, Thane Krios appears to be a distant person. Considering his profession, this is easily understandable. Still, he appears to be mostly a "lonewolf" type of person at first, keeping to himself and keeping quiet. After all, being a professional assassin doesn't leave too much room for socializing. As Thane has described before to Commander Shepard, he is more used to keeping his back to a wall and facing the door at nearly all times. It's a lifestyle he's used to, and the changes he has when he begins work for Shepard are a bit unusual for him.

On a deeper level, Thane has good enough intentions; he has a sense of mercy, and presuming his targets are not innocent, he will go out of his way on a mission to protect the unfortunate. On the other hand, if his target is indeed innocent, he will finish his contract without question. While he does have a sense of morality, he does not take responsibility for his actions as a killer. In his belief, his body is simply a mere tool for each kill -- not unlike a weapon. His soul, on the other hand, is entirely different than his body. The physical body is but a vessel for the spirit to him. However, he does feel the guilt of each kill, and prays for forgiveness after every target. Yet, at the same measure, he does not stop himself from acting on a contract. While some would perceive this as hypocritical, it does not change his perception much. Despite it all, it is his intention to make the universe a little brighter before he perishes.

As such, considering both his profession, his life, and especially his medical condition, Thane -- for the most part -- has little fear of dying. During his previous job prior to joining Shepard, he had completely expected to die in the process of getting to his target. However, since Shepard and the team the commander was with provided excellent distraction, Thane had less trouble getting to his kill and survived the mission. Accepting his job from Shepard, Thane fully expects to die on their suicide mission. By doing this, he expects to have been forgiven for the sins he has committed in his normal life.

As an assassin, Thane is a bit unusual, with his thought, emotions, and his religious positioning. However, his skills are nothing to scoff at. Thane is not particularly egotistical about it, but he recognizes his own abilities -- he rarely ever makes a mistake on his job. As such, he has been perceived by many, even the Illusive Man, to be the best at what he does in the entire galaxy.

Abilities and Weaknesses:

Since the age of six, Thane has been trained to kill. As such, he is very skilled with stealth, hand to hand combat, submachine guns, and especially sniper rifles. His biotic powers -- although hardly as powerful as other team members like Jack and Samara -- do well enough. Specifically, biotics are similar to telekinesis; Thane is able to use two biotic powers: Throw (quite literally throwing something/someone around) or Warp (causing physical damage). However, it is his nature to prefer close combat.

As a drell, he has perfect memory, down to the point where if he recalls something, he will relive it, and describe the memory in bits and pieces that he cannot completely control. Additionally, most drell have had an operation to see ultraviolet rays in order to communicate properly with the hanar; Thane is one of these drell.

Physically speaking, Thane's main weakness would be attributed to his illness. Although it is not contagious, it is slowly killing him, giving him approximately a year left to live. Specifically, this sickness is called Kepral's Syndrome. The cause of it is due to the climate where Thane grew up, the hanar homeworld; its humidity affects all drell, causing the ability to absorb oxygen to erode, slowly spreading to other organs. This does not currently hamper Thane's skills, but in due time, he expects to die as there is no currently known cure. Also, due to the operation on his eyes in order to see ultraviolet rays, he is incapable of discerning the difference between dark red and black.

Mentally, Thane has few weaknesses, as he has a general acceptance of his own being. That is not to say that it is impossible to discover any, but it appears he has very comfortable with himself. At worst, he is somewhat socially awkward, but that's not too unlike the rest of Shepard's crew -- a mishmash of vagrants, warriors, vigilantes, and the like, after all.

Inventory: One sniper rifle, one submachine gun, and an omnitool.
Appearance: Thane's stature isn't unlike a human, generally speaking. While fairly tall by human perception, he's more of an average height as far as drell go. His build is lean; while he is fairly strong, he is hardly a tank like a krogan. Thane is far better off for agility, swiftness, and sneaking about. Overall, Thane has a reptillian appearance to him, his skin green and scaled as well has having two eyelids similar to a crocodile's. His fingers are a bit unusual; it seems they were once five-fingered, but the ring and middle finger of each hand are melded together. Like other drell, Thane's voice also has a "dry" aspect to it.
Age: 39

Samples ;
Log Sample:


The immediate area is not familiar, and that already places Thane at a severe disadvantage. Almost immediately, he places himself towards a wall; smoothly, he moves into the shadows, and crouches in order to get a good grasp of where he is.

Nothing familiar.

Thane keeps a steady breath as he thinks, attempting to remember what happened last. The crew of the Normandy, captured by the Collectors. Shepard ordered them to immediately head towards the Omega Relay. They were preparing. His pulse increased slightly then at the thought of their difficult mission, the great possibility of not returning. The satisfaction of knowing that he has turned his son away from the profession of killing.

That it was to be his last job.

Taken, suddenly. How? How could he have missed it? How poor of a hunter can he be if he does not know who took him here, or even how?

He reaches for his omnitool.

No connection to the Normandy. Discouraging. If the others have attempted contact, he will not receive anything -- nor can he inform Shepard of this situation, either.

Most unfortunate.

His dark eyes narrow slightly as Thane begins to move through the shade carefully. Very well then. He'll begin some research on this place.

It is imperative that he returns. Thane will not leave this assignment unfinished.

Network Sample:

Exploration isn't necessarily one of my greater ambitions. However, now that I have nothing but the time to observe, this part of the galaxy intrigues me. It is amazingly unfamiliar to me.

Although I am dissatisfied by being taken from my current assignment, I will need to be employed. So, I will present to you my skills; should they interest you, I will be interested in attaining a job. It will be for but a year.

Your time is appreciated. For now, with my spare time, I watch.

!application, !ooc

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