Mar 23, 2011 19:13

Addressing to the following:
- Commander Jane Shepard
- Professor Mordin Solus

Concerning all events related to the A.I. known as SHODAN:
- Experiments were being performed on several of the children with horns. (EX: Sollux) To what purpose is unknown to me other than it is likely that SHODAN is a corrupt A.I.
- In relation, SHODAN was functioning with other A.I. Specifications are unknown at this time, but I am under the impression that Motoko had been cooperating with SHODAN until the point in which Motoko was hacked by SHODAN.
- In relation to Motoko, she had captured me and had an operation performed on me. Further details further in this report.
- At this time, SHODAN has been officially destroyed. Her return will be expected. I recommend that EDI works to accumulate more data on this A.I. in order to prepare against another potential situation like this again.

Concerning all events related to the Marker:
- The statue/pillar emitting the signal that was causing hallucinations/insanity is known as the Marker. Commander Shepard has precise details collected on this signal. Other individuals who were experienced in dealing with the Marker prior to this event are Isaac Clarke and another man currently unknown to me.
- The Marker was capable of causing mutations in other people, primarily in corpses. (EX: Jane Shepard) The only efficient manner in killing these mutations was dismemberment. Shooting in the head or snapping of the neck was ineffective. These mutated creatures were named necromorphs.
- The Marker cannot be conventionally destroyed; any thoughts of destroying the Marker would cause extreme harm in the individual. Instead, the Marker was moved to an airlock by those capable (LISTED: Isaac Clarke, Thane Krios, TwoSix-Six) Other individuals were protecting those moving the Marker. (EX: Noble Team) This action was planned by both Noble-Seven and Noble-Six.
- The Marker was destroyed when released through the airlock; Hypatia's defensive grid destroyed it.

Concerning all events related to Motoko:
- While the Marker was causing me to hallucinate, Motoko took this as an opportunity to impersonate the person I was seeing. I was deceived at first, and the moment I realized it was not real, she knocked me out.
- I woke up on a table and I was operated on for a total of six hours by machines. Motoko herself was not present. I was awake for the duration.
- 90% of my organs are now inorganic. Kepral's Syndrome has been effectively "cured".
- My skull was also cut open. I am not certain what was done to my brain.
- Post-operation, I was released to find Shepard as the Marker no longer held any effect on me.
- I did locate Motoko later on hooked up to a recharging station. I have killed her. She has returned. I have no plans of further revenge at this time.
- It is recommended to avoid Motoko at this time. It is unknown which actions were her own and which were SHODAN's.

If further details are required, contact me.

-- Thane Krios


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