two new approvals + revamp

Jan 09, 2009 22:12


Site revamps?!
Dear Lonely Girl is part of amassment's layout marathon "Classical elements" (run by yours trulyyy!) entering with the element ice and I do.. hope it gives that impression! Content is organized though the text is not touched.. yet. I have some sections to work on still and some re-writes.

Oborodukiyo (Chrome Dokuro) -- was approved recently, yay!♥ All information about Chrome/Nagi that was on Illusionist has been transferred to the fanlisting, but now since I've gotten the honor of owning it, might as well refine it into a little mini-shrine of sorts! Still part of Illusionist though. (Adding affiliates and stuff :3 hold on!)

Love the World (Axis Power Hetalia) -- Legit reason why this site doesn't have an info section: I made over 100 codes and that's kinda tiring for me 8|. Sorry! I usually have a little something in the info sect (if even just an image) but this time nothing. Though, most people know Hetalia already and if you don't, feel free to browse hetalia and check out the 'scanlations' tag ;) /SHAMELESS EXCUSE TO GET YOU TO JOIN. Uuh, yeah!

That's about it for now, I guess. Enjoy, guys!

sites : illusionist (rokudo mukuro), fanlistings, sites : dear lonely girl (may wong)

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