my computer died.

Aug 06, 2010 09:45

so i brought it to the shop and was using dad's during my off time because he wasn't using it that much. and then THAT broke! ARGH! i was watching a drama and then the video went weird, then out. so i turned it off and turned it back but it was stuck on a booting cycle without actually logging into windows. so i tried a repair but that just made it worse and off to the shop it went. the timing on this is terrible.

at least i have a working computer at work (as long as i don't break it) but i don't get to watch any dramas so my time off is very boring as i switch between iphone games. :( this really sucks. the shop -as per their usual way- still hasn't called to tell me what's up with dad's pc yet. come on, guys, you said you would.

as for my pc, the flex cable, when pinched, still goes out so they'll have to replace it otherwise it goes out whenever they close up the computer. last i heard the guy was trying to figure out the part so he could order and i wonder if he did. the monitor inverter seemed to take forever to arrive so i hope he finds it quick and puts the order in because i need it back. i need my after-hours fun back. lol

it also means i'm sneaking in time on work's pc just to keep up with all my sites. i just can't use the iphone as a replacement especially since i'm addicted to a lot of flash stuff. *sigh* anyway, posting will be sporadic for me until one of our pcs are working again. i hope all is well with everyone.

oh. my icon reminds me that i need to do laundry.
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