Hey, Eminem, are you back again?

Oct 25, 2004 15:39

Honestly. After thinking about it, all of his singles start with something like that. HI! MY anem is. . ! Can the real asshole stand up? Guess who's back, back again. Honest to god. It's the poppy, joking type song. Alkl about effing him. When underneath it all, it's just making fun of absolutley everyone who listens to it. Then the next few songs he puts out are wither him raping and killing his mom, how he had a shitty child hood, or something like that. Ok, great. Play off your past. Music is a wonderful way to outlet emotion and crap like that. But it's like. . .ok. I don't know. It's like yeah, he's got free speech, But he comes out like an asshole first, and then is like. . .aw I was poor. Awww, poor baby. But then Without Me comes on and I'm like, oh yeah. That's why I hate you. And his new single is exactly the sam. "I'm so controversial. Ohh poke fun at Micheal Jackson. Ah promote myself more. I'm back!" Back from fucking where. You didn't dissappear from the scene did you? It takes time to write an album, that doesn't mean you've gone away. Fucking, argh. It's just like yeah. Ok. You're white, you rap, you're fucking rich now. Can you please stop talking about how provocative and controversial you are, becuase you talk of raping your mum, and portraying a homophobic in your music. We know that. We don't need to hear about again, in the same stupid song, you just changed a beat and added some more techno shit too. Shitty. Shitty synth crap you've got going on there. It sucks. A lot.
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