Nov 21, 2008 21:35

So the me from Juudai's world showed up here again. I still don't know if he's the same one as before who just doesn't remember being here or if there's some difference that I don't know about that makes him from an entirely different world or what. But he's close enough anyway.

Juudai doesn't want to try to all be together again like we were the last time. His reasons make sense to him, I guess, but I think he's wrong. And it's not as if they'll all have me around forever anyway. When this war is over, or even before, I'll go back to my world and they'll go back to theirs, and no matter what, we'll never see each other again.

So, sooner or later, by choice or not, they won't have me to worry about anyway. So I wish we could all try to be happy together now, when we are together.

I think I might try to get someone to fix my wrist. I need to duel. I haven't since I got here and we could use the practice. I'm not going to lose out on the last three years of work. I'm not sure who, though. Not Juudai. Either of them. But there's other people I could ask here. I'll just have to think about it a while.

[OOC: This post was meant to be screened. But Johan is more upset and disturbed than he realizes, so it's actually out there for everyone to see]
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