any advice on how to sleep?

Mar 09, 2009 22:05

.... I've developed a really bad sleep pattern, no idea how or when but can't seem to break it now.  I wake up a dozen times.. most I'll slep for is about 90minutes ..  and then wake and after 30mins / an hour doze off again and wake up not long afterwards.

It's catching up fast and I'm exhausted and just wish I could manage even 5 hours together but nope.  I altered what tim I go to bed, trying later but still no effect.  Its as if once I've slept and the drowsiness has lifted then I can't get back to sleep.

Yesterday and today have been not so good days.  I've gone between feeling okay and wanting to cry for absolutely no reason. 
I'm struggling to concentrate now and two weeks after starting a new book I'm still no closer to finishing it.  That's not like me.  I can read an entire book in one afternoon.  This is how I know the sleep thing is becoming a problem.

I don't want to resort to medication because it will make me drowsy.  I've tried warm drinks, counting, relaxing music, baths, showers, thinking happy thoughts (and I have lots of those to think about at the moment) and still no luck.

So any other ideas? anything that works for ye?
I'm willing to try anything now ...
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