I'm listening to the audio book of "Earth and Beyond", although I've not read any of the books that it's meant to be part of the series of. Are they any good? I've read a synopsis on Wikipedia, to get a feel for who the companion is and what she's like,
and the plot seemed to become a bit mental. From what I can gather, the Doctor loses the TARDIS, because Romana is suddenly evil, but there's some girl called Compassion who is becoming a TARDIS, so the Doctor somehow uses her to travel through time and space, and then they find the TARDIS again but the Doctor blows Gallifrey up, then gets stuck on 19th-century Earth with no memory, but hangs around for two hundred years to meet up with his old companion and let the TARDIS grow, and then they go travelling again but he loses one of his hearts, but then it grows back, and he finally starts getting some memory back, and K9 is all homicidal, and they have to stop this alien fleet and find a computer to bring Gallifrey and the Doctor's memory back. Also, possibly, we meet Susan's mother.
Now, are the actual books as insane as this recap makes them sound? Did you love them? Hate them? I'd like some advice before I decide whether to start the collection.