fanfic | doctor who | the haymarket precedent (M) - chapter 1/5

Nov 11, 2008 10:24

Title: The Haymarket Precedent 1/5 (this chapter: 2,075)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Series: Interaction Locations
Characters: Rose Tyler, the Doctor (eighth)
Rating: M - violence|romance|adult concepts
Spoilers: This is a sequel to The Sky On Fire and also has potential spoilers for DW series 4, EDAs and Big Finish Audios
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Betas: No betas this time because to be honest, this got written at bizarre times of the night and alone in waiting rooms and police stations. It's been a weird month, so if this is a bit darker and more confrontational than my usual stuff, that would be why.

Teaspoon: As with most of my fic, this series can also be read on A Teaspoon and an Open Mind, if you prefer.

onetrueshipfest Prompt: 8/Rose in the Regency Era (#3) - I hope whoever asked for this prompt excuses my tardiness and enjoys the fic. Knowledge of the I.L. Universe will add to the enjoyment of this fic, but lack of it does not preclude comprehension ;)

Note to the IL Readers: The Haymarket Precedent follows directly on from The Sky On Fire, but then it does this weird little thing where it skips some time. This is because I have another story that fits into that gap. Don't be alarmed, you will find out what happened in that gap ... meanwhile, enjoy speculating!

The Haymarket Precedent - chapter 1 - a period to savour


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