Title: The Sky On Fire 6/7
Fandom: Doctor Who
Interaction LocationsCharacters: Rose Tyler, the Doctor (eighth)
Rating: M - swearing|violence|romance
Spoilers: This is a sequel to
Diamond Sea and also has spoilers for DW series 3|29 through 42, EDAs, Big Finish Audios
Disclaimer: I own nothing
iansmomesq and
drox - they patched this up aeons ago. It is so not their fault this is so long coming. I blame uni, work and the band. So there.
Teaspoon: As with most of my fic, this series can also be read on
A Teaspoon and an Open Mind, if you prefer.
Author's Note: Real life has been demanding every spare second of my time, which is why you've all had to wait so long for this next installment. Special mention to my magnificent betas,
wiggiemomsi and everyone who commented on
triwislinthis and over at Teaspoon. You guys are the sum total of the reason I write fanfic at all.
Summary: Rose and the Doctor exchange party tricks while things heat up (or is that cool down?) around them ...
chapter 01|
Chapter 02|
Chapter 03|
Chapter 04|
chapter 05|
chapter 06|