Mar 21, 2006 12:12
The trip to Baton Rouge was glorious. We saw the Oscar Meyer mobile, cows having sex, and I saw a man trip over the gas supplier chord. We hung out with Erich once we arrived, and he inevitably attended the concert with us. First off was Les Aus, they rocked out hard, and they hardly spoke english which made them even better. After they finished, The Dukes of Spirit played and I fell in love with the drummer, fell in love with the drummer...actually it was the guitar player but I have Wilco stuck in my head from the trip. Then came Ted Leo and the Pharmacists came on, and they rocked hardcore in fact that Ted Leo lost his voice before the show was over, so it turned into an audience karaoke backed up by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. It was pretty wonderful, and worth the seven and a half hour drive. Once the show was over, we dropped Erich off and headed back to Austin where we arrived around 10:30, which was perfect timing bc Wanker had to be at work then. We took an hour nap in the parking lot of a love's and listened to Neil Diamond's sweet caroline more times than i have ever listened to it before, and I don't care how lame it sounds, but the more we listened, the more passion the song seemed to gain. All in all, it was a terrific event, and I hope my 21st birthday will be as cool, but let's face it, it's unlikely. Later days guys