open letters to people who have pissed me off, part 1

Sep 19, 2007 07:52

dear person who filled up the freezer at work with over a month's worth of lean cuisine:
it seems to have escaped your attention that other people use the freezer for their lunch.  it may come as a surprise to you that over 50 people share the fridge and freezer every day.  sure, most of those people use the fridge, but i can think of quite a few people who, like you and i, enjoy the convinience of the frozen dinner.  you just can't beat a balanced meal with less than 300 calories that costs $2.  now of course, that $2 is when those precious boxes are on sale.  and i know they were recently on sale, which is probably why you choose to purchase so many.  you are obviously deliberate and careful with where your money goes, and i can't fault you for that.  but surely you recognize that this is not your home.  and the freezer here is not your freezer.  i could see bringing in a couple of days worth of lunch, maybe even up to a week.  but it looks like you've put upwards of 30 in there.  there's barely enough room left for my ONE lunch.  
and this isn't the frist time you've pulled this little stunt.  it seems to me like there is a simple concept that you either never learned or have forgotten.  it is called:  SHARING.  sharing is when, instead of keeping something for yourself (like all the space in the freezer), you let other people have some too.  perhaps it is your highly demanding and incredibly important government job that has made you forget this concept.  i work for the government too, so i can understand that.  i don't want to be the kind of person that only points out problems.  i want to work to solve them too.  so i've come up with a plan to help you learn about sharing that should make everyone happy.  it is called "i'm going to start eating your lunches until there's enough room in the freezer for mine."  this way, you will learn a valuable lesson and i won't be so upset about you taking up all the space because i will be eating free lunch.  
i'm glad we've had this talk.  i feel better now.

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