Oh live journal, how I have neglected thee…….Well It’s about that time again. Yes it’s time for another block of self-serving, all too frequent, obsessive Journal postings……….until I burn out and become bored and move on to other preoccupations and negelect things again for another several months
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Thank you for showing me my heart.
I focus on the aspects that I can control, and my reaction to it because I realize I cannot change any suffering in the world. I can only express it, or expose it. Nothing will ever get better. I think it will only get worse and worse and worse.
But thanks for the image. It does mean a lot to ME. It must've meant something to YOU or you wouldn't have posted it. Thank you for sharing, no matter what your reaction to my reaction may be.
Well to me its nothing more than a few words and a picture. They only have what meaning and power you give them. I’d feel surprisingly and overwhelmingly stoic as to the nature of anyone’s reactions to it. I’m not even sure the picture warrants shock. It’s something we all know for a fact to exist. Nothing new…nothing original.
To me it is only a representation of a small piece of reality…………a significant representation because it’s one that macroscopic culture avoids. It’s a sense of knowledge that we are denied in many ways. I like to contemplate such matters. I do it all the time. The ideals behind suffering are a philosophy all their own. For me the picture is not at all a manner of any extreme (felt) emotion. It’s an issue of knowledge and perspective.
I am fascinated by things that resonate deep within my being. Sometimes it's not pleasant things that I emote with. But it's good to witness it just to know oneself.
1- Motive of Journal SIMPLE: express MY ideas and Feelings
2- Motive behind my personal interactions….can be any multitude of things.
I cannot divulge my sources, so continuing a conversation in private would be pointless, because I've been burned before when I did that. Made the person really mad that I passed on something that they didn't want passed on and traced back to them. So I'm not going to go into detail about "he-said-she-said" in email.
I am sorry if I may have upset you by asking you to discuss your feelings and motivations on your LJ. I will not ask you about that anymore. Have a nice 3 day weekend.
I would NEVER get upset with someone asking my feelings and motivations on LJ or anything for that matter……….NEVER. I am as open as they come I assure you.
I will, however, get upset when someone ASSUMES my motivations and feelings…..and takes negative action as a result (that is the only problem I have here). Especially when a simple request for verification could have predated a negative response. In the future just ask instead of taking it upon yourself to dictate what I think or feel…….I’m happy to tell. Me is my favorite subject.
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