My heart explodes with joy.............

Jan 05, 2004 12:42

It is not uncommon for someone to feel down. It happens to everyone from time to time, even me. I never get “too far gone” though because I find it paramount to look at things in perspective. I remember where I come from, where I’ve been and where I am. Things could always be worse……….Much worse.

Think you are Ill? Forget about that cold you might have. The sands of time are persistently draining for those with serious terminal illness. I have a relative that works in an Oncology ward. Its not uncommon to be young and in the prime of life………be diagnosed with cancer……..and be dead a month or two later. It happens all the time. It could happen to you. Never mind those that live in countries with shite for medical systems. Hell some suffering people in THIS country can’t even die if they wanted to. We wont allow it.

Feeling a little broke? No job? Most of us have been there. I’ve seen some heart breaking scenes in my day. I’ve been to a handful of 3rd world countries. The 2 that come most directly to mind are Venezuela and Bangladesh.

Usually Americans that end up in South America go to those tourist filled fun cities. Porte Cabello, Venezuela is not one such. I remember that fifty dollars of money exchange made me like an instant millionaire in their town. I was pretty much able to afford THEIR greatest luxuries with ease. The most difficult aspect of it all were the young children that kept swarming me doing their best to offer whatever pitiful services or goods they could. I imagined that whatever money I gave them must have been taken by their “guardians” if they had any. It was obvious that they lived outside on the street. Any sense of charity I had felt very futile. One girl I remember was especially eye catching in that she did not even look quite human, she was barely even able to move about. Many of them: I guess as a result of malnutrition, lack of prenatal care, prenatal abuse, pollution, and genetic diversity, were grossly deformed. Her vision haunted me for a while after that. I remember she smiled at me a lot. She even tired to be playful with me a little. Maybe her outlook on life is a lot better than I think it is. Maybe I need to give her more credit, after all that is the only life she has ever known. Now she exists within my memories that seem a hundred lifetimes away. I cannot imagine what her life must be like, if she’s even alive anymore.

Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world . My brush with that country was brief but not brief enough. My coworkers and me were set to fly out of the country to Singapore. A full day of travel through Bangladesh gave us a short look at their world. It's amazing how masses of people act when they are starving. Upon introduction into the city we were mobbed by ton of people. Some on them were selling things, some of them try to help you with your baggage in hopes of a little change, some begging, and some trying to steal and snatch whatever they think they can get. I remember some of them were so desperate for something that they were in tears. Grown men as skinny as Kate Moss. We were put up in a fancy hotel while waiting for our plane. We ate like kings courtesy of our employers’ tab. Not like it cost them much anyway, even the finest food items on the menu were of negligible charge (the power of the American dollar). Just us Americans and what appeared to be Indian Royalty or Political powers. Our gluttonous exploits were a fierce contrast to the suffering of those outside; casting excess indifferently to the side. The ride out via bus was for lack of a better term INSANE. Apparently the only rule of the road there is to TRY not to crash into the other guy. Right of way is always given to the one who wins the game of chicken on the narrow roads lacking traffic control devices. Ohhh yeaaaa what a rush!

Feel like you got beat with an ugly stick? Not as popular as you’d like to be? Feel fat (others would kill for that luxury). Poor you. I know a man that through an unfortunate turn of circumstances had his face shot off. He can barely talk, Eats through a tube. What about burn victims. Circus Freaks and those dealt with the curse of just being plain ugly. Many of them good people. All they want is loving companionship. They would kill for what we take for granted.

Had a rough childhood Cinderella? Did mommy stab you in the heart with a coat hanger while you were still in the womb? Kids get their bones broken. Some get abandoned or starved. Burned with Irons. Beat to DEATH. I’m sorry if your parents paid for you to go to a crummy state college instead of that private one. I’m sorry if they bought you a used car instead of a new one. I guess you can make it ……….just one day at a time.

So what is it I’m selling? Is it Guilt? Ha………no. You can make yourself feel guilty if you want but is not necessary. I’m not attacking anyone specific. All I offer is a generic account of observation and opinion. I think its only important to be grateful for what you have. Remember that most of our undeserving asses have what we have just out of blind shit luck. So as I write this on my $2000 dollar computer ,remember, life is good. Don’t forget who we are. That is an oppressive component that supports the suffering of others. We all know its there. Sally Struthers will never let us forget. If we all gave up HALF Nay a Quarter of our Excess the world would be a very different place. No one, not YOU, NOT ME can say its not within out abilities. What stops us from taking a year out of our long pitiful lives to help others. NOTHING! I sell the notion of looking at who we are. We are selfish and apathetic. Its ok. You can admit it (I’ll be the FISRT to admit). No one can point the finger without having 3 fingers pointing back at yourself. Its human nature. Don’t fool yourself to think that you are so enlightened that the can of soup you took to church when you were 10 counts much. Don’t doubt that the respect and kindness we show for others is a luxury we can $afford. Where are you on the Hierarchy-Pyramid of needs? If any of us got pulled out of our prissy lives and thrust into a Feral community who amongst us would be the first to stomp a five year olds head in to get some bread? I don’t know………..and its likely we will never.
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