It's Spring Break

Mar 14, 2008 16:20


Not that I really have much planned, a break from life sounds fucking great.... Especially with my money problems and me working twice as much this week

Yesterday in Horror Films we watched two movies... A docum. on animal slaughter and Eyes without a body

The doc was gross.... Graphic beyond reason and this pisses me off for a number of reasons

1. It was not needed, it was not a horror film.  It was the slaughter of animals and nothing more
2. A lot of the practices are now out dated and even illegal... So once again we have a movie that will cause mass protest agains meat, but has not real significance as a good argument.
3. The mass protest it will cause bothers me (as a market animal raiser).... I mean I realize that people are sad over the death of animals, that is cool... But movies like this shock people into being against meat... Seriously what the hell did people think happened?  They hit the animal over the head, it dies, and what follows is a nice beautiful seperation of meat and bone?  Even the most humane way to kill a fucking animal for meat is still fucking disgusting.  There was no shock of beaten, abused, mistreated animals, it was the shock of an animal being killed then cut up.  Regardless of how gross it is to cut that animal up how is it a fair protest of meat?  What is it even protesting at that point?

Eyes without a face was brillant... It was creepy, disturbing, horrific, everything a good horror movie should be.

Went to club, it was fun but  wanted to stay longer but today was going to be long...

Today, class... Had to go to the sub because power was out.  Shrink, picking up jackson from airport, cleaning.... Now waiting for my hair dye to finish....

More to do must go ^_^
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