Dragon's Lair Comics had a big fuckin' sale (70% off!) so I picked up 3 manga for the price of one. I got
Happy Mania vol.8 (the artist's style is so ugly and yet so intruiging)
Bride of Deimos vol.1
Basara vol.1
I love cheap manga! I tried to pick ones that I thought I would enjoy, so I skipped over the cutesy shoujo stuff like Peach Girl and went straight for the 13+ books. I wish I had enough money to buy Flame of Recca in English, because it's easier for me to read than the Japanese, but I was lucky just to get the three listed above! ^_^
In other news, it hailed like a bitch for about 20 minutes last night. The creepiest part of it was that my fiance and I were in our bedroom having sex when it started. All of a sudden hail started bouncing loudly off our patio door, and I yelled jokingly, "Oh man, God's punishing us for doing it!" Blasphemy aside, it was pretty damn funny. The good news is that our car is fine, but the bad news is that so are our neighbor's kids. :(
Shit News
Parents Keep Watch Over Dying Schiavo)
Who cares? I am so uninterested in this whole damn media frenzy. Give the poor woman a lethal injection and let her die with her dignity intact. I believe the Daily Show's Jon Stewart said it best, "The Schiavo feeding tube will soon be removed from the cable news networks." I can only hope.
NRA Leader Advocates Guns for Teachers)
This article is much, much more entertaining. I just keep imagining some Scarface-esque shootout between teachers and students. Say hello to my little friend!