I love plane rides. I get to watch heavily edited movies (king kong was only like an hour and a half) and I finally get to read not only good books - read bringing down the house- I get a chance to read really trashy but great magazines such as giant - a more entertainment-centered and less racy Maxim. Well, the issue today had this great article on stupid videos to watch online. So as soon as I was able to connect our mac to the hotel's modem, you know that I was downloading these videos. So here's the links along with some suggestions.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF4bhr35rSY&search=period this is by far the funniest one (and the worst one). It is one of those old science videos that teach you common knowledge that features a young girl suffering from Down Syndrome who asks her family questions about periods. You did not read that wrong. Yes, it is completely awful, but hilarious. You'll love it, even as you burn in hell for all eternity. CORRECTION!!! Ok, I said it was hilarious, but that was only thirty seconds into the film. It gets a whole lot more awkward as you go on. Don't watch if you are sensitive. There are somethings in this video I never want to hear again.
the rest of the videos can be found at
http://www.giantmag.com/top10videos I love the first one because of the sounds the woman makes, and the great anchors that come from our great city of atlanta. Way to go fox 5, let's let the world know that we are uncaring imbeciles.
So enjoy these videos.