Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Genuine
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Notes: General. Miroku+Kagome. Posted January 19, 2005.
Summary: People should only smile when they mean it.
Miroku smiles a lot. Baring his teeth in a grin-not-so-pearly-white, not-so-perfect-he’ll play the voice of reason like a master musician, spouting lyrical and insightful truths that she knows mean very little to him. He is a man with his convenient mask, too habitual to realize his own callousness, too proud to let anyone see the festering wounds inside.
Kagome is the kind of girl who likes to help. One day, when he turns to her with his too-brilliant smile, she happily slaps him.
He falls, genuinely shocked, into a snow drift. Kagome beams at him and moves onward, not waiting for the rest of her stunned companions.
When he finally catches up to her, hand against cheek and frowning, she breathes deeply and smiles.
“Kagome-sama, why did you-“
“People should only smile when they mean it, Miroku-sama.” Kagome interrupts conversationally, pointing at her own pearly teeth. See? No facade, just honesty. Understand now?
He stares at her mouth. “But why then did-“
“Because I care,” she chirps back.
Silence. After a moment, Miroku shakes his head and chuckles, rubbing his jaw. “I feel so…privileged.”
This time, when he smiles, it is tentative and awkward and perfect.