Take a good look around you

May 23, 2006 18:02

It interested me to see what I could see sitting in my computer chair, so here is a brief list of what is immediately visible to me:

The Black Rider - Tom Waits
sewing needles
Slaughter. House Five.- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
cup of coffee
a stuffed tiger
wacom stylus holder
a dictionary of philosophical terms
Complete Illustrated Works- William Blake

I've decided to start taking real looks around me and seeing just what I am surrounded with. In this way perhaps I can evaluate if what I am surrounded with are good things that make me happy, or junk, or worthless. I think you can somewhat evaluate your character by looking at any given moment in your home and seeing what is around you. I need to get better about letting go of things. In every sense. I'm trying to practice mental inventories as well, stopping and being really aware of the things going on in my head and evaluating their worth.
"I believe that the mind can be permanently profaned by the habit of attending to trivial things, so that all our thoughts shall be tinged with triviality."

Here is a bit from a book I am reading called Lost Empires by J.B. Priestley, which I thought Spencer might particularly enjoy (at least it made me think of him):

"Luckily for me, Tommy Beamish, topping the bill, came on next... He was one of those rare comedians who began to make me laugh as soon as they appeared... He never bothered with the ordinary comedian's patter, told no funny stories, sang no comic songs. He would lose himself in a labyrinth of misunderstandings and cross purposes, and would go on repeating some commonplace phrase or even one word, with deepening bewilderment or growing indignation, like a creature from some other world baffled by this one, until he had only to make the smallest gesture or mutter half a word to produce another roar of laughter from the nearest stalls to the high distant gallery, lost in smoke. Like all the great variety artists, he was able through the projection of his stage personality and his marvellous sense of timing to dominate every kind of audience, keeping them hushed and still when it suited him and then releasing their laughter as if he were a trigger... He earned two-hundred and fifty a week showing these people a reflection of themselves in a trick mirror, just looking a little bit sillier than they are."

Tommy Beamishes and Spencers of the world, my hat is off to you for never forgetting the inherent comedy of the human situation.

My postponed therapy session is set for tomorrow at 11:00. I feel so optimistic.

quotes, thoreau, j.b priestly, taoism, awareness

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