If I've made a mistake in posting this here, do forgive me, but I think it's relevant.

May 23, 2009 02:51

Title: Full Circle
Fandom: My Beautiful Laundrette
Pairing: Omar/Johnny, plus other peripheral cast-members.
Rating: R
Notes: I'm not sure what to say. I saw the film for the first time yesterday evening, loved it, and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning just to bang this out. That's all there is to say. To the best of my knowledge, there's no other fic for this film on the web. Please, please prove me wrong. Oh: it will definitely help if you've seen the film, trust me, as a lot of these scenes happen in the film and are so loaded with between-the-lines electricity that I couldn't resist getting my fingers caught in the proverbial clockwork.
Summary: This is a story about why learning to recognize your own motives for what they are is a good thing. Better you learn before it's too late, even if barely in the nick of time.

(That was how it started: in one stark, breathtaking moment that could have got them both killed.)
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