A Meme to Get Me Posting

Mar 31, 2012 10:51

The Five Questions Meme | How this meme works:
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

1. If you could have a portrait of yourself rendered by any artist and/or in any artistic style, which would you choose?

My immedate thought is Van Gogh, becuase if he's doing my portrait, than presumably he'll be in the same room as me, and who wouldn't want to watch Van Gogh work? I mean, really. But, I also think it would be interesting to see what someone thinks I look like in the abstract. You know, if you don't focus on the fact that I have blue eyes and a round face, what do you see? That would be an interesting question to have an artistic answer to.

2. What would your perfect day consist of?

The perfect day would involve no social awkwardness, but it would involve people, both good friends and new people to get to know. It would also involve doing something productive, whether it be making progress on a gourd-burning or making progress with a community project; I'd feel like I accomplished something by the end of it. It would involve fresh tomatoes and chocolate (but probably not together). It would involve an adventure. And it would involve NPR and the ground-breaking news that anyone can marry their beloved, the defence budget is going to be gradually shifted into programs promoting a healthy and just world, and public transit is finally going to be funded. (Had to throw in some idealism at the end there.)

3. If you owned a restaurant with one particular specialty (this can be anything from "Mexican" or "Greek" to "breakfast" to "best damn hummus in the state,") what would it be?

If I owned a restaurant, we would specialize in seasonality. Our menu would change constantly, so people would look forward to coming at the right time of year when asparagus is fresh or tomatoes are ripe or squash are abundant. (Winter would be a smorgasboard, full of root vegetables and whatever we could can/freeze.) Oh! And we'd have really, really good cheese. Our major import would be a variety of teas.

4. What part of your childhood do you miss the most?

When I was a kid, I assumed everyone liked me, because I liked everyone and the idea that people might be judging me or thinking badly of me just seemed absurd. Not because I thought I was great, but because I didn't get that people can judge you or dislike you, even if you're not a jerk. I had more faith in the world and in people. I assumed the best of people, and didn't realize I was making an assumption; I assumed everyone looked at the world the way I did. I miss that level of confidence in the world, and being less suspicious and judgemental myself.

5. If you could exist in the universe of any sci-fi series, which one would you choose?

Oh, lordy, that's a tough one. Hmm... Do I get to interact with the people the universe is known for? For example, if I got to hang out with the Doctor, the DW-verse would be pretty exciting. (Otherwise, I suppose I'm technically living in that universe already.) If I'd just be there doing my own thing, I just keep coming back to Star Trek. Exploring the universe, seeing how different beings have adapted biologically and function culturally, trying to develop peaceful and meaningful relationships across the galaxy... Yeah, that would be pretty cool, even without McCoy as my doctor or Picard as my captain (though I certainly wouldn't object to working with them, either!).
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