Crossover // Apeiron Academy: Part VI // facade

Nov 01, 2008 16:10

Fandoms: Naruto
Focus: Sasuke/Sasuke/Sasuke
Prompt: plushie
Genres: aaannnnggggssstttt, humour, ANGST
Rating: K
Wordcount: 752
Summary: They can never know how broken he is.
Notes: I apologize for this in advance. I couldn’t think of any other way to have multiple Sasukes in one fic. I’m going to go hide in a closet now, brb.


Sasuke was having a terrible day.

His socioeconomics professor paired him up with Naruto for their term project, for starters, which would have been bad enough on its own. Also, his lunch had mysteriously rotted in his bag over the course of one morning, with no one to blame in sight, his favourite hairdresser had pneumonia and her replacement gave him a fauxhawk, he forgot about Daylight Savings time and got to school an hour earlier than necessary, and it was raining.

Any one of those could have made a bad day for Sasuke. He was easy that way. All of them together made a fairly awful day, which was also not rare.

However, all of those paled in comparison to the fact that They were back, despite hundreds of hours of hypnotherapy in the effort to rid himself of their highly unwelcome presences.

“Nooo,” said the smaller one, clutching something protectively to his chest that looked suspiciously like a dinosaur plushie. “This was a present from brother, you can’t take it!”

The larger one scowled and tried to snatch it away again. “Brother is a traitorous fuck,” he snapped. “He put Mom and Dad in jail, practically killed them! There’s no point in keeping anything he gave you. It makes you look weak. Throw that junk away and stop crying, you loser, there’s work to be done.”

Sasuke shut his eyes and plugs his ears and breathes deeply, praying devoutly to whatever god would listen that they’d be gone when he let go.

“-does too!”

“He does not! If he loved you, would he have done that? You’re an idiot, and a crybaby, and I hate you.”

“I hate you too!”

“I wish you’d just die already.”

“No, you!”

Logically, Sasuke was led to the conclusion that there was no god. Not that he had ever really thought there was one, at least not one that wasn’t a total douchebag. If they were up there, they were all clearly vindictive bastards with nothing better to do than make him miserable.

Giving up, he reached out and yanked the plushie out of his child-self’s hands, glared at his teenage-self, and folded his hands on his lap. “You’re both morons, you’re both losers, and you can both die. I have no need of either of you any more. Get the fuck out of my head before I’m forced to do something drastic.”

“Like what?” sneered his teenaged self. “Read us our rights? You haven’t done tae kwon do in years. I could take you. You would lose to me in ten seconds flat.”

“You’re a hallucination,” Sasuke reminded him. “How exactly could you ‘take me?’”

The teenager gave a surly shrug. “I don’t know. You’re the one talking to yourself, you tell me.”

“You didn’t grow up as cool as brother,” his child-self observed, slicing his ego up into tiny chunks of shattered self-esteem without any outward sign of intentional cruelty.

Throwing the plushie across the room-where it naturally vanished before hitting anything, since it wasn’t actually there-Sasuke stood up and paced. “Get out,” he begged, “please. I have homework to do. I have three essays due in two days, I have a project I have to work with that retard Naruto on, I have connections to forge and favours to build up with people in power. My hair is awful. My kitchen still stinks like peach mold. I have enough stress in my life, I don’t have time to deal with you too.”

His teenaged self smirked. “Hey, we’re figments of your imagination. We don’t make ourselves up. Moron.”

“So uncool,” muttered the child, clutching the plushie again and staring at the floor.

“I am not--!” Sasuke began, but was interrupted by a restless hammering on his door. Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty… the pounding showed no sign of giving up. Sasuke snarled soundlessly. “Naruto, I’m coming, stop being an idiot!”

He turned back to his living room to find nothing but empty space.

“Fuck,” he said quietly to himself, then gathered up his books and headed for the door. It was sad day for him indeed when Naruto’s arrival led to more sanity rather than less, but he would take what he could get.

It seemed he was not yet free of his brother’s shadow. He wondered if he ever would be, since it seemed he couldn’t even defeat his eight year old self yet, let alone Itachi.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to answer that question just yet. Naruto was here, in all his distractingly blond, grinning glory. Today he could pretend to be whole and calm and confident. Today he had an excuse to keep pretending.

He could be broken and lonely and frightened later, when there was no one to see.


A/N: Oh Sasuke, I’m so sorry, I’m such a bitch to you. XD

!multi-chapter, ~apeiron academy, naruto

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