It was done..My Case Study was successfully presented Yesterday.. As expected to the panelists,they were hotblooded as if they wanted to kill or eat us.
Two days before the presentation,i couldn't take a normal amount of meals,In fact there were times that i couldn't eat at all..I couldn't sleep,I couldn't think straight about other things..and worst,My chest pain was more frequent and long duration,especially when i was just sitting or during lectures
We did some preparations for the possible questions that the panelists may ask basing from the manuscript we submitted...and fortunately,almost all the questions we have expected were asked,so we did defend our answers until they were satisfied ..I'm so much thankful because my group mates did their best for this Case Study..Good thing we were all mild anxious,so everything in the manuscript that would give a problem to us in the defense were resolved before presenting it.Although there were some errors in the manuscript and needed revision because of the technicalities,The fact that our manuscript was nothing but the real case of the client made us confident that we did the presentation right,at least they were satisfied to our defense and answers.
I did mention in one community here that i hate Bipolars and Brats.What made me remember that was my CI in one clinical setting..darn,i really hate her attitude!!! i have to control myself (and my group mates too) every Thursday and Friday for 3 weeks or else something really bad might happen...