May 09, 2006 15:37
so im sitting int eh psyc computer lab waiting for kohn to come back to her office so i can get out of taking the stupid couples and family therapy final. i am so done with doing school shit.
so after going to sleep around 2, this morning at about 5:30 am Stefanie calls me sobbing. first of all, i dont know what is going on at the very start because my still-asleep mind only knows that my phone is making noise and needs to stop, then interprets that someone is calling, so it takes a little while to realize that stef is calling my and it is not some freak alarm. so she is crying and i cant understand her and think something strange and emotional happened and i can talk her out of it, reassure her and go back to sleep. it took a little while for her to get out that she thinks she needs to go to the emergency room, her fever is uncontrolable, she had been throwing up, and took a shower to try and warm up and ended up sitting down and shivering for half an hour in the water, unable to do anything else she way so cold.
so i speed on back to tridelt and try and do a little nursing. first off, she was dehydrated, so i made her drink like, three cups of water straight off. figured out what meds she had taken and all the symptoms she had. took her fever and when we realized it was 104 we sped of to the emergency room at 6 am.
we were there untl 10 or 10:30. one good thing is that while we were waiting for her lab results of the blood they drew i was able to run down to plan parenthood when they opened at 830 and get more nuvarings (they had refused to give me more than two last time because they were running low).
all in all, Stefanie has mono. and i definately never really pay attention to what we share and what we dont. so now i just have to start not sharing anything, being really sanitary, and get tested for it in several weeks. whooohooo.
other than all of that, i am completely less stresses that i have been all last week over this paper that was due yesterday. true i still have three finals, but only one of them i actually have to try for, the others are for a pass no credit class and just to see if i can boost my grade in one class (it cant hurt me). so i am going to relax. and take a nap again as soon as i get back to DDD.