Still Alive, Kind Of

Aug 22, 2005 23:59

I'm still alive, kind of. I have a pretty bad case of food poisoning from Checkers, kind of a southern version of Arctic Circle, by eating three of their country chicken sandwiches. Amanda was pretty sick, but not as sick as I got since she was smart enough to only eat one.

The Bad thing (yes, it was that bad) was that my mother-in-law and her two younger children,Chelsa 15? and Shaun 12?, came over this weekend. Friday night was not bad, they were nice and behaved themselves, no fighting, whining or taking over. Saturday was the hell day, I was sore and stiff as hell from shitting and being sick all night long. And that was the day two of them, Crystal and Chelsa decided to take over. I had to call in at work only after two and a half week at the job, and wasn't in any shape to deal with pretty much anything. Crystal and Chelsa took over the computer that my family bought Amanda and I and proceeded to run it straight for eight hours on top of the seven hours that they ran it friday night. Lunch came around and I ended up cooking for everyday, but when the food was put in front of them they didn't eat and placed the food and drink literally on top of the computer equipment!! Anyone who knows me knows that a Major pet peeve of mine since we have had to replace one keyboard because of a spilled coke and a very near close call.

So I politely but firmly told Crystal and Chelsa that they needed to turn off the computer, eat their lunch and one of them need to wish the dishes, and the other to dry and put the dishes away. No answer or sign that they heard me, so I waited impatiently five minutes, reached over and restarted the computer. Where I was physically knocked away and told to get the fuck away from "their" computer and that if I tried it again they would kick me out, sort through my belongings, keep what they wanted and sell the rest. Where as Crystal started lecturing her daughter that she should kick, attack, hurt any man that tried to tell to do anything . Then the character attacks began and they started to claim that everything in the apartment was their's, that Amanda or I have never help clean or cleaned Crystal's old apartment two and half years, and that I was trying to control them by telling them that they stunk, needed to bath and to eat the food they requested. I laughed because an hour earlier when Amanda demanded they clean up the apartment from the messes they made they claimed that they didn't have to since it wasn't their apartment, they didn't live here and it wasn't their stuff. They cleaned only after Amanda yelled at them, and this after I politely asked them to.

Sunday I just took control, moderated the worst of their actions, let them run the computer. After they left, I deleted Crystal's user account on the computer and started to fix and clean up the pc - about an hour and half's bit of work. What pisses me off is two things, 1) Crystal ordered and bossed Amanda around like a diva's maid, 2)I ended up doing all the errands and driving around when I couldn't see straight (literally) and really couldn't remind my own name. Missing three days of work all told and a $257 doctors bill right before I signed up for my health benefits, right out of pocket.

But good has come out of this weekend, Amanda finally stood up to Crystal and told Crystal that she, Amanda, didn't like Crystal's behavior, attitude or unwillingness to help clean. That she Amanda was sick and tired of hearing Crystal bad-mouth me, Amanda's husband, especially in front of Amanda's younger half-brother and half-sister. And blessedly that Amanda and I would not be moving into a two bedroom apartment with Crystal at the end of next month. It's painful and a thing that I wish Amanda didn't have to see but I am glad that Amanda finally saw her family as they are, and not as Amanda wistfully tried to see them. No more excuses, looking the other way, or trying to explain away their bad behavior.

It's sad that it took a weekend like this one, the third in a row actually, and a expense doctor's bill to open Amanda's eyes and finally have people believe me that I was really that sick and not acting. We did open a bank account today and Amanda received two job offers. Leslie, my mother, did in fact get a very good deal on a good computer that is pretty up to date. She will pretty much take that wrong, but I am very wary of slick showrooms and salespeople in places like Comp-Usa and Circuit City since all my experiences have been horrible ones being charged full up-to-date prices on systems that were three generations out of date.
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