Aug 27, 2006 22:47
I saw two movies this weekend. "Snakes on a Plane" and "Little misss Sunshine" I am not sure which I had more fun at.
There are a few reasons why I go to movies: To relax, to have fun, to admire the art, or to learn more about the human experience. This weekend it was all about fun. I mean, who would go to see "Snakes" expecting to see Oscar winning performances? I mean, to be blunt, "Snakes" is a crappy movie. It has crappy dialog, crappy visual effects, and a crappy, though simple, plot. And yet, it was the most fun I have had in a cinema in a very long time. I laughed all the way through it.
Then today I went to see "Sunshine." I had no idea what it was about. My friend picked it out, so I went along. I actually enjoy seeing movies having no idea what it is going to be about. "Sunshine" could be described as the opposite of "Snakes." It had great, smart, witty dialog, a heartwarming plot, and needed no special effects. And, it is easily one of the funniest movies I have seen in the last year, and my movie going partner agreed. I may have even had more fun at this movie than "Snakes" That is two great, fun movies in a row. I do not think I have ever been so lucky in my theatre going.
I highly recommend seeing both these films. But if you had to chose, my pick is "Little Miss Sunshine."