'Parkland' ET Preview (trailer eventually too lol)

Aug 20, 2013 18:17

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via @efronzacharynet

I'll post a link to the trailer when it goes up on Yahoo. I probably can't embed it because LJ sucks and Yahoo iframes aren't whitelisted.

ETA: meant to post too that it sounds like Zac isn't going to Venice per @zacefron_news. But IS expected to go to TIFF per this press release and it is showing on Friday, 9/6 at 9:30pm and Sunday, 9/8 at 12:30pm at TIFF.


Also, tweeted a couple days ago, but should have added it here too, lol, the website is up here and the release date changed to October 4th.


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parkland, tiff, trailer, venice film festival, schedule, gifography, videos

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