I have a theory. Friends from before he was Somebody are just friends; that he keeps some friends from before he was Somebody is a credit to Zac. The "ninjas," on the other hand, would seem to be guys from the Show Biz and club scene, whose collective purpose is to "have fun," which can lead to unattractive outcomes involving booze, drugs, various forms of reckless and/or foolish behavior, and ultimately mug shots and community service.
Clearly the classifications are vague and overlapping, since the ninjas don't carry badges or appear on an official roster; one on one, a guy can be just a friend, and in a pack of three or more, also a ninja. It's the pack mentality that needs to be avoided.
He looks good, his outfit is casual but still really nice looking.
Oh, and nice that he's hanging out with his hometown friend instead of the "ninjas". Good job, Zac.
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