Signed still from 'The Paperboy'

Oct 07, 2011 08:37

Quick note that there was a New Year's Eve screening last night and it seems like a few fans/attendees on Twitter enjoyed it.

Now from sarahmilner1 (via twitter), a cool pic from The Paperboy:

Also, just a small note about some random blip on the radar project rumor. It quite likely won't amount to much... but I've noticed on a couple private industry development sites a tie to a possible project called Selling Time.

The project has been in development at Fox for a long time and it was rumored first that Will Smith was interested and then later Tom Cruise. At various times Spike Lee and Forest Whittaker were attached to direct, but neither seem to be involved now.

It appears to have been reconceived to feature a younger actor. Originally about a father saving his daughter from murder, the logline now reads "A successful go-getter who, on the heels of his girlfriend’s accidental death, gets the chance to relive the day and change the circumstances so she does not die. Each day something horrible happens which he has the opportunity to right the following day," and Zac is listed as cast.

There is clearly some movement as it has come up in Production Weekly a couple of times over the past few weeks and the project recently had an open-writing assignment posted. Some of the details on the old scripts I found on message boards are kind of weird. Granted I haven't read the older script versions to judge for myself, but the premise is intriguing and changes obviously would have to be made so they might lose some of the more odd elements if needed.

Whether or not this is a rumor or 'just a meeting' or if Zac is actually involved now or will be when/if they ever make it, who knows. But just fwiw.

In one major way the premise is very similar to All You Need is Kill which has long been a project I have dreamed Zac might get to do. In All You Need is Kill a rookie soldier gets stuck in a time loop during a massive battle, forcing him to relive the same day where he dies over and over again. Much like a video game, he works each time to improve his skills until he succeeds in breaking the loop. WB is developing that one. It was recently rewritten and is supposedly being fast-tracked with an offer out to Brad Pitt for some role (likely the sergeant imo).

It's funny how some things come together so fast but then you have things like this project or like The Paperboy, where both have been in development for ten years. Some of Zac's projects have bigger time-constraints because the lead he's supposed to play is college age or whatever but it makes me wonder which will come together more quickly and also which won't ever come together. I don't know what film I'd be most happy to see happen first... he has so many interesting projects in development.

stills, projects, rumor, the paperboy, may or may not

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