Autism Fundraiser in SLO, cameo by Jamba banana dude

Apr 04, 2011 17:28

Zac helped out at the Third Annual Fair and Walk for Autism in SLO this weekend. The event benefits the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center.

From KSBY:

Dozens of Central Coast families took over Downtown San Luis Obispo on Sunday for the annual Walk for Autism...

And adding to the special day, celebrity guest, Zach [sic] Efron, who signed autographs and offered some extra motivation to all the walkers.

Video from KSBY (with same commentary as article); Zac is ~1:32:

image Click to view

From Shutter Booth (first one from their FB):

^instead of a tattoo, he should've just dyed his hair that purple

^with facial hair, he looks so incongruous in a pic with kids, esp here...
like a college dude on spring break photoshopped into some kid's fb photo

^ditto above except here a college creeper

^still creepstery + girl on right can't be bothered, she's just lovin' her jamba

From FB:

From MrsHoneyJawn:

^icu bro, icu banana

social media, facial hair: creeper, slo, philanthropy, banana dude, videos, dylan, shaka, his tongue, articles, sunglasses

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