Deauville Videos, some more twitpics

Sep 11, 2010 17:52

Press Conference

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good reflexes zac to catch your glass, lol <3

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Red Carpet Interview

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Red Carpet Other

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Entering the Screening

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ETA: Zac entering and speaking:

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News Video with translation (ty peryne_gl!)

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News presenter: … And now the end of the American Film Festival of Deauville, with the presence of a young American actor revealed by tv shows. Zac Efron is the hero of a romantic comedy, but with a touch of fantasy, in which he plays a student confronted with the death of his little brother. Two of our journalists met him…

Zac Efron just landed in Deauville. In a few hours, it’ll be this… [camera moves to screaming crowd]

Wherever the American actor goes, you can be sure to find a bunch of girls in tears.

At 23, Zac Efron is indeed well-known from a very specific part of the population…

Girl 1: He’s so gorgeous with his 6-pack.
Girl 2: He’s a good actor, and a hot dude (giggles).
Girl 3: He’s done a lot of movies about basketball, though he doesn’t play at all.

It’s High School Musical, a made-for-tv movie aiming specifically at teens, that kick-started the phenomenon 5 years ago, with 250 millions viewers.

But Zac has grown up since. And he’s now trying to change a bit. Not just his looks, but first and foremost his path in terms of career. In his new movie, he has to deal with death.

Zac: A lot of fans, who’ve been supporting me since day 1, have reached another level in their lives. They’ve grown up, they’ve gained maturity. Some of them might have experienced loss already. Maybe the movie is gonna help them.

Girl: It’s a change. You can tell he’s evolved, he’s more confident since HSM.
Girl 2: I think he’s gonna be a great actor.
Girl 3: Yeah me too. Because he’s started to make better movies. Less “teens oriented” movies.

Most of the fans will continue to follow his evolution. As long as his pretty face remains… [ouch, lol]

Peryne also translated this other article for us:

"Don’t call him a « little boy » anymore. With his beard & his moustache, the teen heartthrob’s become a big one. A man, I mean.

In the “beaches” section of the weather forecast, under the category “festivals barometer”, major turbulences could be encountered around Deauville this afternoon.

Quite understandable considering it’s the American Film Festival at the moment.

But what was pretty unusual for this event, traditionally fairly quiet, were the hundreds of barely pubescent girls in town, waving around frantically, trying to be the first ones lining up behind the barriers.

Suddenly, there’s screams, camera flashes, pens raised in the air in hope of a signature… Hold onto your hats [ok this was not really written, but I’m adding it anyway cos I like the saying lol), Mister Zac Efron himself just arrived.

And what a Zac! Last time we saw him, he was a kid labeled “Disney”; now we find a man worthy of this word. With facial hair and extremely classy in a suit & tie, the 22 year old actor made quite the impression amongst both the teenagers and their moms.

Let’s hope that his movie, Charlie St Cloud, receives as many good reviews as his newfound pilosity!"

Pilosity is my new favorite word! :D

From Davidous:

From toko_paris:

From HeyItsClemence_:

^lol idk

From EmmaFr:

There is another one here but I'm too lazy to upload since it is all tagged up.

social media, red carpet, press conference, deauville, charlie st. cloud, screening, videos

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