Mention by Amanda Seyfried

Apr 01, 2010 20:52

From an interview with Amanda by the San Francisco Chronicle:

Q: Now that you're established, do you see yourself making more studio films, or independents?

A: I'll probably make more studio films. It's hard for everybody; it feels like there's no imagination right now, but it's even tougher (to make an independent). I'm trying to get this independent film made right now that I love, that I'm totally signed on for. And I can't get Zac Efron, and we can't get Ed Harris. You've got to have all your balls in play."

O rly? I wonder if the project sucked? Or if he's just busy.

Someday I suppose we will find out what the project is, whether it sucks and what he actually is doing next. That last bit is of greatest interest, of course.

that didn't happen, projects, what other people say

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