May 07, 2020 12:23
# zypper install rmt-server
# systemctl stop rmt-server-sync.timer
# systemctl disable rmt-server-sync.timer
# rmt-cli sync <-- initial SCC sync
# rmt-cli products list --all (exclude --all for only enabled)
# rmt-cli repos list --all (exclude --all for only enabled)<-- after initial sync
play with that:
# rmt-cli products list --all | grep 15 <-- will show only SLES 15 stuff
# rmt-cli repos enable 3061<-- enable MIRROR repository by ID
play with THAT:
# rmt-cli products list --all | grep 15 | grep SP1<-- way more powerful than SMT (BEWARE - "15" can show up in ID causing something completely unrelated to what you want to enable, e.g. | grep -v 1159)
# for x in `rmt-cli products list --all | grep SUSE | grep 15 | grep SP1 | grep -v 1159 | awk '{ print $2 }'` ; do rmt-cli products enable $x ; done <-- awesome!
apply to repos:
# for x in `rmt-cli repos list --all | grep 15 | grep SP1 | grep -v Not | awk '{ print $2 }'` ; do rmt-cli repos enable $x ; done
Alt: rmt-cli repos enable 3338 3336 3303 3301
Once all the repos are enabled, force a manual mirror:
rmt-cli sync
rmt-cli mirror
Then disable automatic sync:
systemctl stop rmt-server-sync.timer
systemctl disable rmt-server-sync.timer
systemctl restart nginx
systemctl restart rmt-server