060616_1730 Depart work, listen to BSG on the way home.
060616_1740 Wife meets me at the door with an ice cold Corona.
060616_1750 Order Chinese, change clothes.
060616_1830 Finish dinner.
060616_1900 Start Flightplan.
060616_2100 Start 4th installment of Revelations mini-series.
060616_2230 Bed.
060616_2300 Blissful sleep.
060617_0900 Wake.
060617_0930 Coffee, emails, blog, shower, dress, breakfast.
060617_1030 Depart house.
060617_1045 Arrive Carol House furniture store to peruse the selection.
060617_1150 Arrive Ruby Tuesday's. Order the ALL-U-CAN-EAT salad bar.
060617_1230 Home to pick up gift we forgot.
060617_1300 Arrive Brunswick Zone for neighbor kid's birthday-party.
060617_1301 Start drinking beer, Bud Select on draft.
060617_1430 Depart party.
060617_1500 Arrive Dillards at the Galleria...4th floor, furniture.
060617_1600 Arrive Lay-Z-Boy.
060617_1645 Arrive IHOP. Order the chicken-fried steak skillet.
060617_1730 Arrive Weekends Only.
060617_1800 Arrive Value City.
060617_1845 Arrive home.
060617_1950 Check emails, blog.
060617_2000 Start Goblet of Fire
060617_2100 Rid XP box of trojan.
060617_2200 Bed.
060617_2230 Blissful sleep.
060618_0830 Wake.
060618_0900 Coffee, emails, blog.
060618_0930 Shower, dress, breakfast, mow lawn.
060618_1050 Depart house.
060618_1115 Arrive Target.
060618_1215 Arrive Lone Star Steakhouse. Order dreadful steak nachos.
060618_1345 Arrive home, call Dad.
060618_1415 Watch Food Networks "Build a better burger" competition.
060618_1510 Update blog, scooby-snack, play Hot Wheels with children.
060618_1800 Finish Goblet of Fire.
060618_1830 Grill salmon, while smoking a cigar and drinking a Tecate.
060618_1930 Scan some pics of when I was in Germany for my buddy, then called him.
060618_2045 Added Google Chat to Adium using my gmail logon information - played Power Rangers with my son.
060618_2145 Read to both my children, then put them to bed.
060618_2230 Post. Bed.
Talking with my Air Force buddy, he's extolling the virtues of 'Google Chat' and I say, "Yeah, send me a message. I'm 'howton.'"
"OMG! You got that? Just howton? At gmail?"
"Well, yeah - there were like nine users when I got my account."
"Arrogant as ever."
"I've been accused of that a lot lately."
"At least you always manage to live up to it."
Those who are not familiar with
TheTheologiansCafe, he asks simplistic questions several times a day, and people usually answer yes or no. Today, in response, I asked him, in his own format, "The building at my work has walls which create corridors you have to traverse to get anywhere. Do you think buildings should have hallways?" I don't expect an answer.
Sent my father this photograph. Its the identical one I had in Texas. Told him, "Happy Father's Day. You can keep my old grill." He uses it as much, if not more, than I use mine. He needed a new grill.
January 12, 1991 - I receive my first stripe, bringing me from the rank of Airman Basic to Airman at Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas.
That's me on the left.