I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark, When he made Pearl Harbor.
I think my cat Daisy has figured out and understands the HVAC system at the house. This may help should I need repairs in the future. I'm wondering if I could bribe her into replacing my hot-water heater with some canned tuna.
I miss you more then that movie missed the point, And that’s an awful lot girl.
I was up late listening to my new soundtrack - it was blessedly quiet in the house (after the kids went down) and the environment was perfect for doing so. Then my wife walks in from the other room where you couldn't hear it and exclaims that the music is a little loud. "Funny, it wasn't until you came in here." I replied.
And now, now you've gone away, And all I'm trying to say,
My neck is aching today. I either slept on it wrong, or my head has swollen to a massive size due to all the thinking I've been engaged in lately. I just took two Excedrin. Where is the user group file on OSX anyway?
Is Perl Harbor sucked and I miss you.
darwin is unix which isn't really unix, based on BSD which is more like SYS5 now which darwin isn't...My head hurts.
drax0r had a book entitled, "OSX for Unix Geeks" or something to that effect. Perhaps that will show me where the shadow file is, since I know one exists...Oh, and groups is an executable. *sigh*
I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting school, He was terrible in that film.
I installed a processor, voltage regulator, and a floppy drive on our new *shudder* Exchange server this morning, then loaded it up with 146GB drives. Wouldn't mind having one of those myself. I seriously need to look into some sort of backup/increased capacity for teh max0r.
I need you like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part, He's way better than Ben Affleck.
We had a one compresser go out on our Liebert A/C unit. I get a call from Facilities. "Are there any servers you could power off just until we get this compresser replaced?"
Yeah, we have at least a dozen servers running for no reason whatsoever.
And now all I can think about is your smile, And that shitty movie too,
Apparently, they have OSXUserUtils, which adds commandline useradd/userdel/groupadd/groupdel fuctionality; but it appears to be just an emulator to the GUI (which I do not require), includes a 'group' which really isn't used (Uh...) and non-functional with 10.4! Fantastic! What a raging pile of shiite muslim that would be.
Perl Harbor sucked and I miss you.